falcon bluffs parent portal

by Forest Hirthe 6 min read

Family Portal

Beginning in December 2021, the Infinite Campus Parent Portal will replace much of the functionality that Jeffco Connect used to provide, specifically maintaining and updating contact information, paying fees, and completing the registration process each year.


Forgot your student or parent password? Parents/guardians should visit our Personal Account Manager to recover or reset their usernames and passwords. Students should use the student password reset tool.


Dinosaur Ridge Walk along side the giants of the past, take a field trip back in time, meet a geolgist, and join the Dino of The Month Club! Explore Dinosaur Ridge


JCPL Summer Library Challenge Whether it’s magical fantasy, white-knuckle suspense, examples of heroism in non-fiction or more, release your imagination and let it run free! What's Your Wild Idea?


Kids Eat Free Summer Food Service Program Free Grab-n-Go meal service continues throughout the summer for all ages 1-18. Find locations and times. Kids Eat Free | Las Niñas Comen Gratis

What is the Guardian Portal?

The PowerSchool Guardian Portal is for the parents and guardians of Middle School (grades 5-8) students at the Oak Bluffs School.# N#Click the button below to go to the PowerSchool Portal sign-in page.

How to pay meal fees on myschoolbucks?

mySchoolBucks is your online portal to see information and pay your student's meal fees. First, access your account on mySchoolBucks and add your students. If you have multiple children, you can make multiple deposits for each child during your transaction. Next, make a payment.
