fauquier county parent portal

by Haskell Hagenes PhD 7 min read

What is the Fauquier ePortal?

Fauquier ePortal is your one-stop place to view all of your information regarding your employment with Fauquier County. Once you have logged in, you can view your information, as well as make changes to some areas! Fauquier ePortal is a web-based software which allows you to log in at your convenience, any time, any place!

Do I need a parent account to login to the portal?

Be sure to use a parent account during annual enrollment, not a student account, to login to portal. After logging in to portal, please verify that all students are listed before you begin the online application.

What can I do with the Fauquier Hospital Echart?

Using the Fauquier Hospital eChart, makes it easy to: Below you will find the patient authorization for disclosure of health information forms. These forms are to be downloaded and completed by a patient or authorized representative to request health information be disclosed to another party.


What is a parent's responsibilities?

The parent (s) responsibilities, social services' responsibilities and the responsibilities of any others involved in the plan. The date by which the needed steps are to be taken and the length of the time that service may be offered.

What is the abuse and neglect of children in Virginia?

The abuse and neglect of children are serious problems in Virginia. Each year in this state over 33,000 reports about possible abuse or neglect are investigated. Virginia Law requires social services departments to investigate all such reports, and to provide or arrange protection for children id protection is needed. (The law is Chapter 12.1, Section 63.1-248 et seq.). The purpose of child protective services intervention is to protect children, to preserve families whenever possible, and to prevent further abuse and neglect.

How to report child abuse to CPS?

During the investigation, the CPS worker routinely: 1 Checks for reports of abuse or neglect 2 Talks face to face with the child involved. 3 Observes the child for injuries or signs of abuse or neglect 4 Observes the child's home and where the alleged abuse/neglect took place 5 Talks face to face with the person who someone claims has abused or neglected the child. 6 Talk with other people who know about the child's care, such as doctors, teachers, other relatives, etc 7 Interview and observe other children in the home 8 Arrange for medical or psychological examination of the child

How to talk to someone who claims to have abused or neglected a child?

Talks face to face with the person who someone claims has abused or neglected the child. Talk with other people who know about the child's care , such as doctors, teachers, other relatives, etc. Interview and observe other children in the home. Arrange for medical or psychological examination of the child.

What does "fails to provide adequate food, clothing, shelter, medical care, or caring support" mean?

Fails to provide the kind of supervision necessary for a child's age or level of development.

Is there a law in Virginia that states that a child can be left alone?

There is no law in Virginia stating the age a child may be left alone. It is left to the discretion of the caretaker. This agency encourages parents to assess not only their age but maturity and developmental abilities of each child before they are left unattended.

What is Fauquier Cadre?

(Community Alliance for Drug Rehabilitation and Education) is a coalition of community agencies, groups and individuals who share a common concern: prevention/intervention in the area of youth substance use.

How much is FCCC annual statement?

ANNUAL STATEMENTS. FCCC offers an Annual Statement of your account for a fee of $10.00. Payment must accompany your written request. Statements are provided for informational purposes only, this statement should not be considered final documentation of fees paid.

Is Campus Portal current?

The information displayed to you in Campus Portal is always current. However, if you have requested an update via Portal or On-Line Registration (OLR), the school registrar must approve the change before it is officially recorded in the system.

Does Fauquier County use infinite campus?

The Infinite Campus grade book is not used by Fauquier County Public Schools. Setting “grade changes” and “assignment scores” is not useful in Campus Portal, as these are recorded in Blackboard. If you choose to be notified of attendance marks, you will see a notification bell appear on the upper right side of the Portal welcome page.
