fbisd parent portal

by Carolyn Kerluke 3 min read

How do I get access to FBISD family access?

If you are new to FBISD, you will be granted access to Family Access when you enroll your student through the online registration process. Want to use Family Access on your phone or other mobile device?

How is Fort Bend ISD using Blackboard Connect?

Fort Bend ISD is using Blackboard Connect, a mass notification system, to send parent phone calls, emails and with parent consent, text messages. The system will be used to send emergency, attendance and general notifications from your child’s campus and Fort Bend ISD, as well as attendance updates and information about negative lunch balances.

What is the FWISD Parent Portal?

The Parent Portal is available to all FWISD parents with students enrolled in PK-12. This tool will transform the way you interact with your child’s campus by enhancing two-way communication and involvement.

What is the parent portal?

It is a “parent portal” whereby parents can log in through the Internet and review information pertaining to their own child (ren). The District provides appropriate security measures to protect the confidentiality of each student.


About Family Access

Maintaining open lines of communication between the school and home is vital to achieve the common goal of providing the best quality education to every student. Skyward's Family Access allows easy, open lines of communication between the school and home. Students and parents can login to view attendance, grades, schedules and calendars.

How can I obtain access?

If your student is a current FBISD student, and you do not already have access to Family Access, contact your child's campus. If you are new to FBISD, you will be granted access to Family Access when you enroll your student through the online registration process.

Want to use Family Access on your phone or other mobile device?

Portable access to your student's information is a great way to stay connected even while on the go. Parents can see what class their child is in, or their grade on the latest exam. Choose between accessing info through your wi-fi network, or wirelessly on your handheld device.

Absence Notes

Please send all absence notes to our attendance clerk, Ada Nerio, within 48 hours of the absence in order for the absence to be excused. Please note the requirements for excused absences.

Rainy Day Dismissal

In case of severe weather during dismissal time, students who normally walk home will be held inside the building until the weather clears or lightning subsides. Car riders, carpool and day care students will be dismissed normally as their car/van arrives.

Birthday Celebrations

Parents are permitted to bring store bought cookies or cupcakes to school to celebrate their child's birthday. The treats will be served toward the end of the day after the students' lunch time. The cookies or cupcakes should be delivered to the front office along with the completed Request for Food Sales or Service Form .

Pick-up and Drop-off Procedures

Students may be dropped off at school in the morning on either the Beechnut or Soneto sides of the building. The doors will open for breakfast at 7:30 a.m., and teachers will report to morning duty stations at that time. Prior to that time, there will not be any adult supervision outside the building.

What is a parent portal?

It is a “parent portal” whereby parents can log in through the Internet and review information pertaining to their own child (ren). The District provides appropriate security measures to protect the confidentiality of each student. Only the parents of the child will be allowed to review the information contained in the parent portal.

Can parents see student schedules?

Only the parents of the child will be allowed to review the information contained in the parent portal. The parent portal allows parents to see information such as student schedules, attendance information, and contacts designated by the parents, including names, phone numbers, etc.

Can parents change their password on Family Access?

There is also an Options tab where parents can change their password. No student data can be changed by the parent through the portal. If you forgot your password, please view the help sheet: Family Access Forgot Password.

What is the Fairfield ISD office number?

During COVID-19 all contact will be directed to the Fairfield ISD administration office at 903-389-2532.

How to contact Freestone Central Appraisal District?

Any questions regarding district residency should be confirmed by calling Freestone Central Appraisal District at 903-389-5510. Copy of student's birth certificate and Social Security Card. Copy of student's immunization records (We are unable to enroll students not meeting immunization criteria.)
