federal way parent portal

by Isai Yost 5 min read

When will IPs be hired by CDWA?

Over the course of two phases, all current IPs will be hired by CDWA by early 2022. IPs and Clients who receive in-home personal care and respite services will be contacted by DSHS and CDWA with plenty of time to prepare for the transition to the CDE.

What is CDWA in Washington?

Consumer Direct Care Network Washington (CDWA) is Washington’s Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) Consumer Directed Employer (CDE). As part of the Consumer Direct Care Network in 15 states across the US, CDWA draws on more than 30 years’ experience supporting innovative home care for individuals, families, and caregivers.

How many caregivers does CDWA employ?

As the CDE, CDWA will employ the approximately 47,000 dedicated caregivers who provide in-home personal care and respite services. CDWA is working closely with DSHS, the Aging and Long-Term Support Administration, the Developmental Disabilities Administration, and the Area Agencies on Aging, and will begin providing services to a pilot group of approximately 250 Individual Providers (IP) from Lewis, Mason, and Thurston counties. Over the course of two phases, current IPs will be hired by CDWA by early 2022.
