ffms parent portal

by Will Cremin 3 min read

How do I update my Child’s information on the parent portal?

You will have to fill out a Parent Portal application form with the updated information and return it, in person, to the main office at your child’s school. To protect the confidentiality and security of student records, you will need to show a photo ID when returning the form. I have forgotten my password. How do I get it reset?

How do I log in to SchoolTool parent&student portal?

From the log on page enter your email address and click log on. Below the log on button will be a link to click for “New User Or Forgot Password”. Enter your username, click submit and a temporary password will be sent to your email. Am I able to e-mail a teacher while I am in SchoolTool Parent & Student Portal? Yes.

Where does the FFMS Book Club meet?

The FFMS Book Club will meet after school in the Library Extension. All are welcome. You will be out in time for the late bus. The next American Sign Language Club (ASL) meeting is on Monday, October 18 , in Room C207 after school. Students can take the late bus home.


What is Parent Portal?

The Parent Portal is a web-based service that allows parents to access information about their child’s grades, attendance, report cards, schedule, discipline and emergency contacts.

Can parents access school records?

No. Parents can access information for all of their children via one SchoolTool account. For example, a parent with a child at the middle school and two children at the high school can log on to the SchoolTool Parent & Student Portal and see the records for all three children.

Inclement Weather Policy

In order to prevent any confusion about GCPS inclement weather decisions, please visit either the Gwinnett County Public School webpage or wsbradio.com for up-to-date information. Please follow the link to learn more about policies for inclement weather at FFMS.

Gwinnett County Schools Night ATL Hawks vs. San Antonio Spurs

Gwinnett County Schools Night ATL Hawks vs. San Antonio Spurs | Friday, February 11th | 7:30pm

GSMST Lottery

GSMST accepts all qualified, eligible students as chosen by random lottery. Students who are currently in eighth grade during the 2021-2022 academic year will be able to begin the lottery registration process starting Monday, November 1, 2021.

Name Change

GCPS is taking steps to ensure that students are called by their preferred name at school. Please click for more information.

Sneaker Drive

Starting Monday, November 8th, there will be gray trash cans at the entrance of Five Forks Middle School to collect the shoes. Please tie your tennis shoes together via their laces and drop them in the bin. Once the bin is full, the shoes will be separated, bagged, and shipped to get GotSneakers. It’s that Simple.

Digital Citizenship

Parents, All parents should be informed regarding Digital Citizenship when it comes to their students. Click here to find a great resource for parents!

FFMS Scrolling Announcements

Open this article to view the scrolling announcements that display in our school everyday.
