fhc parent portal

by Aryanna Cassin 10 min read

What is family healthcare network patient portal?

Family HealthCare Network’s patient portal will give you access to manage and view your health information any time of the day, any day of the week. This service is free to you, provided by Family HealthCare Network. Q.

How do I access the Family History Center portal?

Access to these online services is provided through the Family History Center Portal at fhc.familysearch.org and following the instructions provided there. Note: If you family history center has not yet obtained access to the updated portal, please use the instructions found here. You must use the Google Chrome browser to access the portal.

Can I enroll in fhcn’s Patient Portal in Kings or Tulare County?

However, if you are being seen at an FHCN health center in Kings or Tulare County, our staff are available to assist you enrolling in FHCN’s Patient Portal. Q. Why Use Family HealthCare Network’s patient portal?

How do I contact family healthcare network for technical questions?

If you have any technical questions regarding Family HealthCare Network’s Patient Portal, please contact Family HealthCare Network at 1-877-960-3426.


Patient Portal Benefits

Exchange secure messages with your provider – often faster than exchanging messages via telephone

Request Account & Tech Support

If you don’t have an account, please check with a member of our front desk or checkout staff at your next visit about creating an account.

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Sign in to your portal!

Family HealthCare Network’s patient portal will give you access to manage and view your health information any time of the day, any day of the week. This service is free to you, provided by Family HealthCare Network.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. I am a patient at the Koligian Ambulatory Care Center, Disease Management Center, and/or Surgical Services Center, can I use the Patient Portal? A. At this time, you will continue to use MyChart as a means to communicate with your doctor, access test results, request prescription refills, and manage appointments.
