field community school parent portal

by Miss Aisha Kiehn 5 min read

How do I create an online application in the parent portal?

Log into Parent Portal. On the left side of the home screen you will see tabs listed as Portal, School Information, Preferences, etc. Select the “Forms” tab. Select the “Online Applications” box which will appear under the “Forms” tab.

What can I do in the parent portal?

The Parent Portal gives parents and guardians access to: View your child’s grades, transcript and MCA results. See your child’s schedule. Monitor your child's attendance. Communicate with your child’s teachers. Stay current on homework, projects and deadlines.

What do we offer at Field Elementary School?

We offer • Art • Library • Music (general and instrumental) • Physical Education • STEM • After School Spanish Classes • Minneapolis Kids Child Care (Before and After-school) • Community Education Opportunities and more! Welcome to Field Elementary School!

How do I View student details in the parent portal?

Welcome to Parent Portal After attaching all of your students, you will arrive at the Parent Portal homepage. To view details in a particular category click on one of your students then select the category you wish to view.


How to access PowerSchool Parent Portal?

To access this information you will need to follow these steps: 1. Open the Internet browser on your computer. 2. Go to and under the Parent and Student Links click on PowerSchool Parent Portal. 3.

Can you track academic progress from any location?

Remember to log off when you are finished. You can track academic progress from any location that has internet access. If you do not have internet access, the public library has computers for public use. Please keep your password confidential so only you can access the information.

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Words, Words, Words

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When is the next field local board meeting?

The Field Local Board of Education will hold a special meeting of the Field Local Board of Education on June 28, 2021 at 7:00 p.m. in the High School Cafeteria located at 2900 St. Rt. 43, Mogadore, OH 44260. The special meeting business will include the closing out of the 2020-2021 school year financials and regular meeting business for the June 14, 2021 meeting.

What is the phone number for Suffield Elementary?

Suffield Elementary: 330-552-5252 (Mrs. Hurd) During your appointment: Bring the required documents from Step 2. During this time, you will be asked to fill out an order form for the required tote bag used by kindergartners. This bag fits on their chair and allows them to easily keep their belongings organized.

How old do you have to be to register for school in 2021?

Step 2: Required documents need for registration: All students registering for the 2021 –2022 school year must be five years old on or before August 1st, 2021. Original Birth Certificate. Student’s Social Security Card.


Parent involvement is crucial to student academic success. The Parent Portal is a tool for you to stay informed and engaged in your child’s education. The Parent Portal gives parents and guardians access to:

Getting Started with the Parent Portal (Video)

Empezando con el Portal de Padrews: Vídeo | Instrucciones Los pib nrog rau qhov Niamtxiv Portal: Video | Cov lus qhia Sida ay Ku Bilaabayaan Waalidka Parent Portal-Ka: Fiidiyoowga | Tilmaamaha

To open a new Parent Portal account

You will need an email account on record with your child's school. If you don't already have one, Gmail and Yahoo are some examples of free services.

What is a parent portal?

The Parent Portal is a service offered to parents and guardians for accessing certain student records. The service allows parents and guardians to access information about ALL of their students through one convenient website. This eliminates the need to visit several different websites, make telephone calls or visit the school to access records and information.

Can you attach students who are not enrolled in PCPS?

Attach student (s) who are NOT currently enrolled or have never been enrolled in PCPS to your account. During open enrollment periods, parents may create a Parent Portal account and attach students who are not currently enrolled in PCPS. Create a parent portal account.
