first steps parent portal

by Monica Sanford 5 min read

What is the first steps program?

First Steps is a voluntary program which provides families the tools they need to help their child be successful. Information for parents and guardians interested in First Steps, including how to make a referral, parental rights, and Early Intervention Teams (EIT).

What is first steps in Missouri?

First Steps is Missouri’s Early Intervention system for infants and toddlers, birth to age three, who have delayed development or diagnosed conditions that are associated with developmental disabilities. The federal law governing First Steps is Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

Why choose first steps School of Arts and Sciences?

First Steps School of Arts and Sciences develop inquiry-based independent learners using a curriculum that is focused, personalized and engaging with an emphasis on college/career readiness and 21st century skill development.



Information for parents and guardians interested in First Steps, including how to make a referral, parental rights, and Early Intervention Teams (EIT).


Guidance and resources for First Steps providers, including those interested in becoming enrolled providers.

System Point of Entry (SPOE)

Guidance, information, and resources for First Steps System Points of Entry (SPOEs), including SPOE Directors and Service Coordinators.

Evidence-Based Practices

First Steps strives to follow evidence-based practices in early intervention as recognized by the best available research and knowledge from professional experts. First Steps has established an improvement plan and measurement tools to assist the field in achieving positive outcomes for children and families.

Transition from First Steps to Early Childhood Special Education

Guidance and resources for transitioning children from First Steps to Early Childhood Special Education.

Rules and Regulations

First Steps is governed by federal and state rules and regulations, including Part C of IDEA and the Missouri State Plan. Additionally, First Steps reports annually to the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) on performance standards.

Data, Budget and Reports

First Steps posts monthly and annual data reports, including the First Steps Family Annual Survey and First Steps expenditure reports.
