fluvanna county high school parent portal

by Ms. Brandyn Fadel V 3 min read

What is the phone number for Fluvanna County public schools?

Fluvanna County Public Schools 14455 James Madison Highway | Palmyra, Virginia 22963 Phone: 434-589-8208 | Fax: 434-589-5393

Is the Fluvanna County school board an equal opportunity employer?

The Fluvanna County School Board is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Revised 7/2020 Designed by Elegant Themes| Powered by WordPress

How did Fluvanna perform in on-time graduation rates?

Fluvanna exceeded the state’s performance in six of seven areas for on-time graduation. Fluvanna saw an increase of 10.2 percentage points, from the previous year, in the area of black students graduating on time boasting a 100 percent rate for this subgroup.


How much is the Fluvanna County High School scholarship 2021?

This year $130,000 will be available in scholarship money to members of the Class of 2021. One $40,000 scholarship, four $10,000 scholarships, eight $5,000 scholarships, and five $2,000 scholarships will be announced at the awards night on June 15, 2021. Applications and scholarship requirements will be available in the Fluvanna County High School ...

What is the AP capstone diploma?

The AP Capstone Diploma program helps students to develop critical thinking, research, collaboration, and presentation skills that are critical to academic success.

What is the Google Classroom in Fluvanna County?

Students with exceptional learning needs who are approved to participate in the full-time Virtual Virginia program will receive services through Fluvanna County Public Schools using the Google Meet/Google Classroom learning management system. Students with IEP’s and Section 504 Plans may be required to attend additional synchronous online instruction to receive related services and support from an appropriately licensed Fluvanna County Public Schools teacher.

What is the fluvanna diploma?

Fluvanna’s graduates earning an Advanced Studies Diploma was 51.8 percent. The Advanced Studies Diploma prepares students to enter higher education and requires additional credits in mathematics, laboratory science, and history and social sciences as compared with the Standard Diploma requirements. The Advanced Studies Diploma also requires students to complete three years of foreign language and three additional Standards of Learning Tests. The chart below outlines the diplomas awarded to the class of 2021.

How many absences are required for school in 2020-2021?

Student exhibits adequate attendance by having 10 or fewer daily absences (excused or unexcused) in the 2020-2021 school year, and continues to exhibit adequate daily attendance.

What is the purpose of study hall after school?

The focus of this study hall is to help students build academic behaviors designed for success. The After School Study Hall Program is a structured environment that includes mini lessons that teach students about time management, organization, planning, and study skills as well as provides a structured work time for class assignments. During this time, students will have individual meetings regarding grades and missing work as needed.

When is the Fluvanna County School Board meeting?

At its regular meeting on Wednesday, July 21, 2021, the Fluvanna County School Board will consider adoption of the textbook committee’s recommendation for textbooks for Dual Enrollment English and Biology. These courses are offered for dual enrollment credit with Piedmont Virginia Community College.

Who is the principal of Fluvanna County High School?

Margo Bruce, Principal at Fluvanna County High School, announced today that FCHS seniors Mackenzie Swain and Rachel Warden each have been named a Commended Student in the 2022 National Merit Scholarship Program. A Letter of Commendation from the school and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC), which conducts the program, was presented to Mackenzie and Rachel.

What is the Google Classroom in Fluvanna County?

Students with exceptional learning needs who are approved to participate in the full-time Virtual Virginia program will receive services through Fluvanna County Public Schools using the Google Meet/Google Classroom learning management system. Students with IEP’s and Section 504 Plans may be required to attend additional synchronous online instruction to receive related services and support from an appropriately licensed Fluvanna County Public Schools teacher.

How much of the ARP Act does Fluvanna County use?

Fluvanna County Public Schools will use approximately $81,000 of its ARP Act ESSER III funds in accordance with Section 2001 (e) of the ARP Act as described below. Fluvanna County Public Schools strongly believes the best educational opportunity is provided to our students through an in-person environment.

How much of the ARP Act is used for Fluvanna County Public Schools?

Fluvanna County Public Schools will use approximately $2,596,000 of its ARP Act ESSER III funds to address unfinished learning as described below: Fluvanna County Public Schools recognizes the impact of classroom teachers on student success.

What is the fluvanna diploma?

Fluvanna’s graduates earning an Advanced Studies Diploma was 51.8 percent. The Advanced Studies Diploma prepares students to enter higher education and requires additional credits in mathematics, laboratory science, and history and social sciences as compared with the Standard Diploma requirements. The Advanced Studies Diploma also requires students to complete three years of foreign language and three additional Standards of Learning Tests. The chart below outlines the diplomas awarded to the class of 2021.

When is the Fluvanna County School Board meeting?

At its regular meeting on Wednesday, July 21, 2021, the Fluvanna County School Board will consider adoption of the textbook committee’s recommendation for textbooks for Dual Enrollment English and Biology. These courses are offered for dual enrollment credit with Piedmont Virginia Community College.

Is Virtual Virginia for preschool?

There will be no virtual learning option for preschool students. Virtual Virginia is a program of the Virginia Department of Education and serves students in grades K-12 throughout the state of Virginia who wish to participate in a full-time virtual program.
