focus parent portal gadsden high school

by Austin Gaylord III 4 min read

What is the focus Parent Portal?

The FOCUS Parent Portal is a tool designed to enhance communication and involvement in your child's education while they are enrolled in a Manatee County public school. A FOCUS account will allow you to register your child for public school online and apply for School Choice during open enrollment session.

What is a focus account?

A FOCUS account will allow you to register your child for public school online and apply for School Choice during open enrollment session. FOCUS can help you monitor your child's progress in school by providing timely access to assignments and grades as they are entered by the teacher throughout the school year.

How do I contact Gadsden County Human Resources Department?

Applicants/individuals with disabilities requesting accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) may contact the Gadsden County Human Resource Department at 35 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd or call 850-627-9651 x 1228 for assistance.


Where are my Focus Parent forms?

The forms are located under Forms on your navigation. Please note that parent forms are not in your student's Focus account. If you don't see the form, make sure you are in the Focus Parent portal and not the student portal. Go to the navigation on the left side of the screen and click Forms .

What is the phone number for Focus?

For technical issues related to scheduling in Focus, please call 772-564-3044. Please note, not all schools or teachers may be using this feature. Please contact your school or teacher for information about how you can schedule a conference with them. TROUBLESHOOTING.
