focus parent portal login

by Dr. Nels Bruen 6 min read

How do I login to my focus parent account?

You may login to you Focus Parent account using your username and password in the fields above, then click on the orange Log In button. Charlotte County’s Focus Parent Portal provides parents/guardians a real-time view of their child’s assignment grades, attendance information, and current averages in all classes.

What browser do I need to use the focus Parent Portal?

Please try Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox. Signing in... Lee County's Focus Parent Portal app provides parents/guardians a real-time view of their child's assignment grades, attendance, current grade averages in all classes, as well as progress monitoring results.

How do I login to focus if I Forgot my Password?

Parents: Forgot Password? To login to Focus, you must click the Sign in with Classlink button above. You may login to you Focus Parent account using your username and password in the fields above, then click on the orange Log In button.

Can I update my contact information in the focus web portal?

Do not use the app – login into a browser using Google Chrome or Firefox. Beginning WEDNESDAY March 18th parents with portal accounts will be able to update THEIR contact information in the web portal on FOCUS. Do not use the app – login into a browser using Google Chrome or Firefox.


School District of Manatee County - Redirecting

Welcome to Manatee County School District An error occurred An error occurred. Contact your administrator for more information.

Sign In - School District of Manatee County

MySDMC SSO - Login

Sign In - School District of Manatee County

School District of Manatee County - Redirecting

What is the focus of Brevard County?

FOCUS is the software program Brevard County uses for grade reporting. Brevard County’s Focus Parent Portal provides parents and guardians a view of their child’s assignments, grades, attendance information and current class averages.

Can a teacher unlock a parent's password?

There is no ability for a teacher or BPS staff to unlock a parent password. If parents forget their email, re-register with the correct email information. PINs are assigned to a student, so every student has just one.

How to submit documents to home zoned school?

Step 1: Log into your Existing Portal Account. If you already have a Parent Portal account for another student that is already enrolled in a LCS school, simply log into the Parent Portal with your existing Parent Portal acct. Step 2: Open the Online Application.

How many pages are there in the online application?

The online application is 11 pages. Once you open the Online registration form, ensure that you have COMPLETELY filled out the online registration before clicking the Submit button or prior to attempting to enroll any additional children to prevent errors.
