forsyth parent portal sis

by Adeline Farrell 10 min read

What is the PowerSchool SIS Parent Portal?

The PowerSchool SIS (Student Information System) Parent Portal is an online resource that gives parents/guardians access to your child (ren's) homework assignments, grades, and more. Updated: Requesting a new PowerSchool SIS Parent/Guardian account request process due to COVID-19.

How do I create a Parent Portal account for my child?

Please click on the Clipboard icon to the right to begin the Parent Portal Account Request process for your child (ren's) school (s). One Parent Account will allow multiple children to be linked with the provided access IDs and access passwords.

How do I get help with Parent Portal?

Please contact Cindy Little, Parent Liaison ( should you have any questions or need further assistance with Parent Portal or itslearning. Please (click here) for Parent Portal instructions and navigation assistance.


What is the Information System Department?

The Information System Department provides data to a variety of school system departments in the district in an effort to assist effective departmental decision making. Some of the departments that are provided information are food services, facilities boundary planning and projections, human resources for staff allotments, media services, and district data profiles.

What is infinite campus?

Infinite Campus is the student information system used in Forsyth County. Infinite Campus holds most of our student record information. To access Infinte Campus, parents or guardians of active Forsyth County Schools students need a Parent Portal account. If you do not have a Parent Portal account and want one, contact your student's school. For additional instructions about how to navigate Campus Parent Portal, please click one of the following links:
