fortbend isd parental portal

by Prof. Elvis Batz II 7 min read

How is Fort Bend ISD using Blackboard Connect?

Fort Bend ISD is using Blackboard Connect, a mass notification system, to send parent phone calls, emails and with parent consent, text messages. The system will be used to send emergency, attendance and general notifications from your child’s campus and Fort Bend ISD, as well as attendance updates and information about negative lunch balances.

How do I contact Fort Bend ISD customer service?

If you are working from a Fort Bend ISD location and are receiving this message, please contact our Customer Service Center at x41300 (7:00AM - 5:00PM M-F).

What information can I find in the parent portal?

Birth dateof each child Student ID (5 digit code) of each child (if known) The Parent Portal is an exciting opportunity for parents to become more involved in their child’s education through the convenience of the Internet. You have access to:

Can I access the FBISD app from outside of the network?

Access to this application is not available from outside the FBISD network. If you are working from a Fort Bend ISD location and are receiving this message, please contact our Customer Service Center at x41300 (7:00AM - 5:00PM M-F).


About Family Access

Maintaining open lines of communication between the school and home is vital to achieve the common goal of providing the best quality education to every student. Skyward's Family Access allows easy, open lines of communication between the school and home. Students and parents can login to view attendance, grades, schedules and calendars.

How can I obtain access?

If your student is a current FBISD student, and you do not already have access to Family Access, contact your child's campus. If you are new to FBISD, you will be granted access to Family Access when you enroll your student through the online registration process.

Want to use Family Access on your phone or other mobile device?

Portable access to your student's information is a great way to stay connected even while on the go. Parents can see what class their child is in, or their grade on the latest exam. Choose between accessing info through your wi-fi network, or wirelessly on your handheld device.
