founders academy parent portal

by Elroy Schmitt 9 min read

What is the Founders Academy?

If your link expired, please let know. The Founders Academy is a public chartered school encompassing grades 6 - 12 that is free and open to all New Hampshire students. The Academy develops leaders who understand and apply the lessons of the past, demonstrate exceptional character and lead by example.

Why Founders Classical Academy?

Founders Classical Academy seeks to provide an excellent and distinctive classical education that pursues knowledge, promotes virtue, and prepares students for prosperous lives in a free society. Founders Classical Academy is committed to providing our future leaders with a nurturing environment that fosters a lifelong passion for learning.

How do I contact the Founders Academy of Las Vegas?

FCALV Staff 5730 W. Alexander Road Las Vegas, NV 89130 Phone: (702) 998-8368Fax: (702) 998-1328 Founders Academy of Las VegasFounders Classical Academy of Las Vegas

How do I contact Infinite Campus parent/student link?

Skip to main contentSkip to main menu Infinite Campus Parent/Student Link FCALV Staff 5730 W. Alexander Road Las Vegas, NV 89130 Phone: (702) 998-8368Fax: (702) 998-1328 Founders Academy of Las VegasFounders Classical Academy of Las Vegas


What is founders classical academy?

Founders Classical Academy seeks to provide an excellent and distinctive classical education that pursues knowledge, promotes virtue, and prepares students for prosperous lives in a free society. Founders Classical Academy is committed to providing our future leaders with a nurturing environment that fosters a lifelong passion for learning.

What is the end goal of public education?

We believe that the end (goal) of public education in America is to form responsible citizens and virtuous people who are prepared to flourish. We seek the growth of classical schools in general, and Founders in particular, to promote these two essential ends on a national scale. We believe that when classical schools and related educational programs become widespread and the quality of students these schools produce are recognized, we will begin to see a significant transformation in our country in terms of civic outcomes and moral conduct.

What is Premier High School?

At Premier High School, you can begin training for your career while earning a diploma. Our CTE programs give you the skills you need to further your education and pursue a meaningful career in high-demand professions. Students in our program learn technical skills, academic skills, and in some cases receive industry-recognized certifications that align with . the workforce needs of future employers. A few of our many CTE options include:

Is founders classical academy responsive?

Founders Classical Academy is a proud member of the ResponsiveEd family of schools. ResponsiveEd provides hope for students through educational options that promote a free society and cultivate moral and academic excellence. Click here to learn more about Responsive Ed.

Does knowledge alone make a good citizen?

We believe knowledge alone does not make a good citizen. The shaping of a student’s heart is more important than the shaping of their mind.
