freedom academy parent portal

by Dr. Cole Douglas 10 min read

Does Freedom High School use canvas or aeries?

We will continue using Canvas as our learning management system and in addition, Aeries will be used primarily for attendance and end of grading term marks. Thank you and have a wonderful evening. Freedom High School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability.

Does Freedom High School discriminate on the basis of race?

Thank you and have a wonderful evening. Freedom High School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, or disability.

What is the aeries Parent Portal?

The Aeries Parent Portal is a website that allows parents to view attendance, grades, and assignments (where applicable) for their child.


Is Freedom Academy web based?

Welcome to Freedom Academy! We offer several web-based learning options to help you throughout the school year

Does Freedom Academy have homework?

Freedom Academy offers an after-school homework club for all grade levels. To enroll, contact the program director at, or complete the Homework Club Registration Form and submit it to the school office.
