ga cyber academy parent portal

by Robert Boyer 4 min read

What is the role of parents in Georgia Cyber Academy?

During the school day, parents provide support and guidance to their student. Georgia Cyber Academy is a 100% tuition-free, online, accredited, Georgia public charter school for students in grades K-12. right for you? find out... Ready to Enroll?

What is Georgia Cyber Academy?

Georgia Cyber Academy is a 100% tuition-free, online, accredited, Georgia public charter school for students in grades K-12. right for you? find out...

How do I complete GCA required parent compliance tasks?

For important updates on completion of GCA required parent compliance tasks, please click on "More" and navigate to the "Parent Compliance" section of the Parent Portal. Please look under each student by changing the student name in the top right drop-down box. Contact your Family Engagement Liaison (FEL) for steps to complete your required tasks.

How do parents access the Infinite Campus Parent Portal?

Parents can access the Infinite Campus parent portal by following the directions to create an account. Contact your student’s Family Success Liaison should you need assistance. Final Report Cards will be posted in Infinite Campus at the end of the school year.


What is your infinite campus username and password?

If this is your first time logging onto Infinite Campus, the username is the student's Student ID (this can be obtained from your school) your password is the student's first name initial, last name initial followed by birth date using a 6 digit number: for example James Arthur Montgomery born on September 11, 2001 ...

How much does Georgia Cyber Academy pay?

The average Georgia Cyber Academy salary ranges from approximately $36,571 per year for Mathematics Teacher to $69,112 per year for Education Director. Average Georgia Cyber Academy hourly pay ranges from approximately $12.50 per hour for Records Clerk to $59.70 per hour for School Psychologist.

How do you make an Infinite Campus student account?

If you are a student make sure you are using Campus Student.Visit and click Login at the top right.Search for your District Name and State. ... Click Parent/Student.Click either Campus Parent or Campus Student.Enter the Username and Password provided by your school. ... Click Log In!

Is Ga Cyber Academy good?

Georgia Cyber Academy is ranked #13,383-17,843 in the National Rankings. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation and how well they prepare students for college. Read more about how we rank the Best High Schools.

Is Georgia Cyber Academy accredited?

Georgia Cyber Academy is accredited by Cognia (formerly AdvancED). Accreditation means that our programs and curriculum meet rigorous standards recognized by colleges, universities and employers.

Does Georgia Cyber Academy provide computers?

Georgia Cyber Academy will provide computers, printers, and internet support to families that meet certain criteria and receive approval.

How do I get my activation key for Infinite Campus?

If you do not have an activation key, please visit the Parent Portal Activation Key Lookup page. You will need: Your child's Student Number (It can be found on your student's report card or transcript.) The last four digits of your child's Social Security Number (SSN) or the SSN-like number* assigned to your child.

How do I create a Icampus account?

Create your Student Account First time usersStudent ID.Password Your password must be at least 6 characters long and contain at least one number and one special character.Confirm Password.Email address.Security Question.Security Answer.

How do I change my grade in Infinite Campus as a student 2021?

Click on the next to the course name to display the sections. Click on the Section that has student grade changes. The Course and Section will display on the right side of the screen. Click on Grading by Task.

How many students go to Georgia Cyber Academy?

11,809Total Students:11,809Classroom Teachers (FTE):431.00Student/Teacher Ratio:27.40

Who owns Georgia Cyber Academy?

K12 Inc.The state's largest public school, Georgia Cyber Academy was run by K12 Inc. for its first decade. More than $54 million of the $94 million in state and federal funding the school received in 2018 was paid to K12, according to Kooi.

Do Georgia Cyber Academy teachers work from home?

Great job teaching from home! Great opportunity to work from home and get a full hour for lunch! GCA adds a lot of extra tasks for teachers to complete above and beyond the normal teaching tasks of lesson planning, grading, contacting parents, professional development, and volunteering for school events.


Type in the Username and Password that you just created, and click Sign In.


Once you have successfully set up your account, you can reset your username and/or password, if forgotten. You will simply click the Help button on the login screen to expand the window to select “Forgot your password,” etc.


Check for messages, manage your account, get the Infinite Campus mobile app, and more from the Parent Portal home page. To view information about your student, select your student name from the drop-down at the top of the screen.


Note: You will only see scores for your GCA student through the Assessments Tab in the Parent Portal if your student took the EOC/EOG as a GCA student. Incoming scores from other districts will be made available through the SLDS (Statewide Longitudinal Data System).


You may use the parent account or the student account to access the SLDS. If you are using the parent account, and you have multiple students at GCA, you will be able to toggle between their information by selecting each name from the drop down one at the time. If using the student account, only that student’s information will show.

How to look up your report card

At the end of each semester, student report cards are available in Infinite Campus for both Parents and Students. To view, download, and print a report card, follow the Step-by-Step instructions below or follow the link.

Step 2

2. From the dashboard of Infinite Campus, choose Documents from the left side menu. Choose the current school year and click on Report Card.

Parent Meetings

Parent Meetings are hosted by the Family Engagement Team. The purpose is to share district wide information, receive parent feedback, and provide strategies to help you be a successful Learning Coach to your student.

Parent University

Elementary, Middle, and High School specific Parent University sessions are designed to provide you with targeted support in areas you may need assistance with while helping your student succeed.

Parent News

The Georgia Cyber on My Mind monthly newsletter is sent via email to connect parents and families to community events, workshops, resources, technology support, Parent-Teacher-Student Organization updates, and other valuable information.

Parent Resource Room

The GCA Resource Room provides families with useful, interesting, inspiring and engaging supplemental educational content.

Parent Leadership

GCA parents and learning coaches have many opportunities to participate in this program including regional volunteer opportunities, GCA PTSO committees, academic student support, and state-wide testing.

How many computers does Georgia Cyber Academy require?

Georgia Cyber Academy requires all families to have a minimum of one dedicated computer per student and one printer per household that meet the minimum specifications necessary to access the GCA Online School (GOLS). Georgia Cyber Academy provides loaner computers and printers to families upon request. Families must also have internet access ...

What is cyber academy?

Georgia Cyber Academy refers to this “at home” role as Learning Coach. Most frequently the Learning Coach is a parent, but it can also be a tutor or other designated adult responsible for the student’s day-to-day learning supervision.

How long does it take to get a check from Georgia Cyber Academy?

If a check is not received or is lost in the mail, parents need to notify the Georgia Cyber Academy office within thirty (30) days of checks being mailed to open an inquiry. At the discretion of Georgia Cyber Academy, non-compliant students may have ISP supplements denied.

When does onboarding start for a student?

This program will only commence AFTER the student has completed the enrollment and admissions process. Typically, the program begins mid-July and must be completed before your student can attend classes. However, onboarding may differ, depending on the student’s grade level and when they start school.

Do you have to be on camera for GCA?

GCA requires all students to be on camera, with their mic on, and their device monitored for the entirety of most assessments/tests/exams, regardless of proficiency level. Students’ faces must be unobstructed and visible on camera during the entirety of the testing/assessment/exam period.

Is Georgia Cyber Academy online?

Georgia Cyber Academy students access their learning resources online. While school faculty and staff support student learning, there is still a need for support and guidance from an adult who is physically present with the student to supervise and monitor progress throughout the school day and year. Georgia Cyber Academy refers to this “at home” ...

Is cyber academy considered school property?

Facilities that are used for Georgia Cyber Academy outings are considered school property, and the same expectations we have for equipment and materials apply to the Georgia Cyber Academy outing facilities. Parents are responsible for the repair or replacement of all lost, stolen, or damaged school property.
