garden city douglas school parent portal

by Marilou Brakus 8 min read

Why Garden City public schools?

The mission of the Garden City Public Schools is to educate all students to be college, career, and community ready, and inspired to succeed in our diverse world. We are pleased to offer you resources to ensure you receive information that will help with our partnership. Thank you for partnering with us to ensure student success!

How does Douglas County School District store student data?

Douglas County School District uses a student information system called Infinite Campus (IC) to store student data. Schools use IC to report absences, gather enrollment information, track fees, manage grades, send messages to parents, and much more.

What does the Parent Portal do?

Parent Portal (Infinite Campus) Password Reset Safety & Security School Accountability Committees Student Data and Information Services Weather Delays and Closures Safety and Wellness Safety and Security Nursing Services

How do I set up my iC campus portal account?

For information on how to set up or access your IC Campus Portal account, please contact your applicable school(s) directly. If you have multiple students, you only need to have an account set up once; all students that you are a guardian for can be accessible via the same login/account.


How to set up secret questions in District Portal?

Click on the link Self Service and login with your current District Portal credentials. Click on the tab My Profile, then click on Set Up Secret Questions.

Where is the My Accounts tab in District Portal?

Click on the link Self Service and login with your current District Portal credentials. Click on the My Accounts tab on the top right hand corner of the screen

Late Start

Due to forecasted snowfall combined with dangerously cold temperatures, the Douglas School District will have a two-hour late start tomorrow, Tuesday February 22nd. There will be no breakfast or morning preschool. This delayed start will give snow removal crews an opportunity to sand and clear the roads.

Free at-home COVID-19 Test Kits Available

Beginning Wednesday, February 16 free take-home COVID-19 rapid test kits will be available to any DSD staff member, parent or guardian who would like one.
