gardner middle school parent portal

by Mr. Terry Franecki 9 min read

What is Gardner middle school like?

The Gardner Middle School welcomes students in grades five, six, and seven. Commensurate with the developmental changes unique to middle school students, our goal is to provide for academic, physical, psychological, social and cultural needs of the individual child.

What is the parent portal?

The parent portal is a confidential and secure web site that allows parents/guardians to log in and view their child's school information. Following the instructions below, please create a Parent Portal account.

How do I create a student portal grade account?

Students can create their own person student portal grade accounts by logging onto the following website and entering their personal information as follows: Username = Student ID (no leading zeros. Ex. 1000003560 or 70001111) Password = First initial, Last initial and 6 digit birthday (XXMMDDYY) Ex. jk120998 or rb041199

How do I access my student's grades?

Portal access will allow viewing of grades (except in kindergarten), attendance, and other school information throughout the year. In order to access your student's grades, you will need an Activation Key. This will be sent to parents using the email address they provided to the district.


Student Absences

If your students is going to be absent please call the school office to inform us by 8:45 a.m. If the school does not receive a call about the absence an automated call will go out at 10:30 a.m. alerting you of your student's absence. Students will be allowed to make up missing work from their absence.

Late Arrival

If your student arrives late to school they must check in at the attendance window. A written note or call from the parent is required for an excused late arrival. Students will be given an admittance slip that they will present to their teacher when they enter class.

Leaving School Early

Please do do your best to make appointments outside of school hours. To help with planning you can access the school calendar on our website. If your student must leave school early please provide a note, dated and signed, to be taken to the attendance window before school begins.

Pre-Excused Absences

If you know that your student will be absent for 3 or more consecutive school days you may pre-excuse the absence. Pre-excused forms are available in the main office. This form will first need to be completed and signed by the parent/guardian, then presented to each of your student's teachers to note assignments, etc.

Volunteer opportunities

Once your kids go to middle school many parents are not sure how they can continue volunteering and helping at school. Our PTSO has some special events that you can help with. We use sign up genius to coordinate those volunteers. These events are advertised as they come up.

Student Portal

Students can create their own person student portal grade accounts by logging onto the following website and entering their personal information as follows:

Parent Portal

The parent portal is a confidential and secure web site that allows parents/guardians to log in and view their child's school information. Following the instructions below, please create a Parent Portal account. The required information for this activation is listed below.

Infinite Campus Mobile App

Infinite Campus also has a mobile app for all Andriod and iOS devices. Donwload the app for convenient portal access. You will need to use the District ID: temecula.
