gatech parent portal

by Raphael Smith 8 min read

What is parent's program at Georgia Tech?

Parent's Program Parent's Program Parent and Family Programs Student Life: Parent & Family Programs As an integral part of the Division of Student Life at Georgia Tech, Parent and Family Programs is committed to helping our parents and families stay connected to their students and support their educational and co-curricular experience.

What is the parent and family programs program?

As an integral part of the Division of Student Life at Georgia Tech, Parent and Family Programs is committed to helping our parents and families stay connected to their students and support their educational and co-curricular experience. Parents and Family Menu Calendars Catalog Certifications and Verifications

Why choose Georgia Tech?

Georgia Tech provides an outstanding educational experience both inside and outside the classroom, and with your help your student will succeed. Parent and Family Programs is here to support you as you support your students throughout their Georgia Tech experience.

How do I contact the Registrar of gatech? 404-894-4150 | office 404-894-0167 | fax Policy Library The Policy Library houses all Institute-level policies. Catalog The Catalog is the official source for academic policies and degree requirements. Institute Curriculum Committees

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What is the Institute's relationship with parents?

The Institute views its relationships with parents and families as crucial partnerships for helping students succeed.

What is the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act?

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is a federal statute which gives students certain rights with regard to their education records. Read more. Calendars. The official dates that define an academic term, including deadlines and holidays. Read more.

Who is contacted by the Office of the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students?

In the case of a student hospitalization or emergency, a parent or designated emergency contact will be contacted by the Office of the Vice President for Student Life and Dean of Students. During this phone call information might be limited, however the staff member will provide a general account of the incident, the hospital where the student was taken, and the information for the hospital (phone number, address, web site). Our staff will remain in contact with you to gather details and coordinate Institute resources as necessary.

What is the Division of Student Life?

The Division of Student Life partners with the parents and family members of current students to provide support during the student's career at Georgia Tech. You can find basic information on how the Division partners with students on this page, however we would also encourage you to review information on the Georgia Tech Parent & Family Programs web site for more engagement opportunities.
