gateway charter school parent portal

by Thora Cartwright PhD 6 min read

Who is gateway community charters (GCC)?

Welcome to Gateway Community Charters (GCC). As the Superintendent/CEO of the GCC, I am excited and proud to lead our dynamic charter school organization. Gateway Community Charters is a 501c3 nonprofit public benefit corporation that has been providing quality school choice options in the greater Sacramento region for nineteen years.

What is the PowerSchool Parent Portal?

What is the Parent Portal? PowerSchool is the Avon Grove Charter School's electronic student information system, where we collect and store student data. The Portal is the "doorway" into our system, giving parents access to information about their children.

Is Gate City Charter Academy the right place for your child?

If so, you're in the right place. Gate City Charter Academy is a tuition-free public charter school open to all children who live in North Carolina. Gate City Charter Academy's elementary school ranked in 93rd place of North Carolina charter schools by U.S. News & World Report in their Best Schools list for 2022.

Where can I find a PowerSchool Schoology code?

Schoology Codes are found in Powerschool Parent Portal. Grades 5-12: PowerSchool Parent Portal provides a view of attendance, fee balances, teacher names, and student grades. Schoology Codes are found in Powerschool Parent Portal. To access the Parent Portal, parents and/or guardians sign in from AGCS's PowerSchool Parent Portal login screen.


How to access PowerSchool?

Powerschool is best accesssed via a website such as Chrome or Firefox. Once you login to powerschool, you will see codes to access schoology and make online payments. New Parents/Guardians to AGCS may email if you have not received your login information.

What is Avon Grove PowerSchool?

PowerSchool is the Avon Grove Charter School's electronic student information system, where we collect and store student data. The Portal is the "doorway" into our system, giving parents access to information about their children.
