gcsny parent portal

by Griffin Wilderman 10 min read

Verify your contact information with Parent Portal

Parents and guardians can verify their contact information by logging into SchoolTool/Parent Portal. Parent Portal allows parents and guardians to securely view information online about their student, such as report card grades and emergency contact information.

Select your notifications with SchoolMessenger

The Goshen Central School District uses the SchoolMessenger Notification System to provide timely communications to Goshen parents/guardians and employees via phone calls, emails and text messages. This is especially important during urgent situations, such as school closings or crisis situations.

For district employees

SchoolMessenger uses the contact information that employees have on file with the district through WinCap. D istrict employees may only use their district email address for SchoolMessenger – they can not use a personal email address.

How do I choose what messages to receive?

SchoolMessenger’s InfoCenter allows parents/guardians and employees to control how they’d like to be contacted, and also works like a mailbox, giving you a place to review messages you may have missed. Signing up is easy – using the email address that you have on file with the district, follow these three steps:

Sign up for text messages

If you are not receiving text messages and wish to receive them, follow these steps:
