gdc student and parent portal

by Prof. Annalise Stoltenberg 10 min read

What can I do through the GDC portal?

Through the Portal you can: 1 Advise the school of any updates to your contact details. 2 See timetable and attendance records. 3 View NCEA progress and results. 4 Download student reports. Please print if you wish to keep a hard copy. Pre 2020 student reports can be obtained by contacting

How do I access the Glendowie College parent and student portal?

Sign into the Glendowie College Parent and Student Portal to view real-time information from our Student Management System. Through the Portal you can: 1 Advise the school of any updates to your contact details. 2 See timetable and attendance records. 3 View NCEA progress and results. 4 Download student reports.

How do parents/caregivers access the student portal?

Students and parents/caregivers can access the portal using a username and password provided at the start of each school year. The username is the student's school ID number and each user has an individual password. This password cannot be changed, so please keep a copy of the email containing those details.


What is daymap in school?

Daymap is a web based system which integrates very closely with attendance administration, daily timetable, curriculum assignments and student welfare monitoring. Daymap is installed locally on our school’s server. It is accessible by teachers and students both on school computers and online from outside schoo0l.

Where is the Daymap Connect button?

To access the Daymap Parent Portal you can click on the Daymap Connect button near the bottom of the Home Page on the school website or you can enter the following address in your internet URL bar:

Can parents send a note to teachers?

Parents can send a note/email directly to teachers/year level managers, and hence work more closely in managing student needs and outcomes. Various school publications such as newsletters, student reports, Individual learning plans etc. are also posted on Daymap for direct and easy access.

Can parents access homework?

Parents can access information about homework set by teachers. This information can be used by teachers, year level managers and parents to achieve better outcomes for students. Student Management. Any communication with parents is recorded on Daymap in the form of Student Notes.
