gems world academy parent portal

by Miss Linnea Hirthe III 8 min read

International Baccalaureate World School

independent school located in the heart of downtown Chicago. We encourage students to challenge convention and become the change-agents of tomorrow.

Upper School

Students grapple with complex, real-life issues, and grow prepared with the knowledge and skills for academic and personal success.

Parental Involvement

At GEMS World Academy Chicago, family plays a vital role in student success, whether through support at home or active involvement in the school community. We offer many opportunities for parents to become involved at GEMS:

The GEMS Parent Teacher Organization

A key avenue for parent involvement is the GEMS World Academy Chicago Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), the school’s parent-run volunteer group.

The PTO focuses its efforts via a series of standing committees

The Social Events Committee brings the student body and the parent community together by organizing and planning social exciting events throughout the year.

Parent Teacher Organization Mission Statement

The purpose of the GEMS World Academy Chicago Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is to enhance and support the educational experience at GWA, develop a closer connection between school and home, and improve the school environment through volunteer support.
