genesis parent portal christa mcauliffe

by Jaunita Hammes 7 min read

Beginning March 7, 2022 - Masks Will be OPTIONAL in School - Also, See Updated Quarantine Requirements

Until the mandate is lifted on March 7, the current school mask requirement will remain unchanged. Please remember to be sensitive and respectful to everyone’s individual choice to wear a mask or to opt not to wear one.

District Physicals for SPRING Sports - Monday, Feb. 28, 2022 at JLHS - 3-7 p.m. You Must Sign Up in Advance

LINK WILL NOT WORK unless you are signed in to your child's DISTRICT GOOGLE ACCOUNT. Athletes are strongly encouraged to use their own physician - if you are unable to, please use this form to schedule an appointment. Parent must attend physical with child.

New! December 2021 Edition: PRIDE in Education Newsletter

On behalf of the JEA, we invite you to read about the great things going on in our schools!

Winter Athletics - Spectator Information for High School and Middle Schools

Please read to understand the procedures and protocols for winter athletic event attendance and for the link to all of our livestreams

Important Late Bus Information for Middle School and High School Families

Due to a driver shortage, we are limiting certain after-school buses on certain days. Please read the full details.

Introduction to High School - Parent Night for Current 8th Grade Parents on Tuesday, Nov. 23 at 6 p.m. at JMHS (for all current 8th grade parents)

An overview of high school programs, graduation requirements and a chance to learn about our Academies of Learning. If you can't make it, don't worry - it will be livestreamed on JTV and the video will be available afterwards online.

District is Offering FREE In-Person, After-School Tutoring to Middle and High School Students - See Dates, Times, Locations

Registration is not required - For students who need help in content areas, concept building, or a quiet place to do homework and study. Late bus provided.

What is myMCPS portal?

The myMCPS Portal is a 21st century digital learning environment specifically designed to meet the needs of staff, students, and parents of Montgomery County Public Schools. From teaching and learning to community outreach to professional development, myMCPS Portal is the next generation classroom. Access to the myMCPS Portal will be available online and through a mobile app.

What is the MCPS app?

The app will provide direct access to content available on the MCPS website, including information about schools, the school year calendar, lunch menus, and the Board of Education.

Why Choose Us?

The Panama-Buena Vista Union School District is proud of its well-defined heritage which strongly correlates student assessment with classroom instruction.

Great Teachers

The state adopted district curriculum is implemented by highly qualified teachers who receive professional development designed to enhance knowledge, skills, and attitudes to improve student achievement.

Great Classes

Curriculum specialists, principals, and categorical program specialists facilitate in-depth, structured and consistent support to all our teachers as they provide standards based instruction to educate our changing student population.

Great Future

The Panama-Buena Vista Union School District takes pride in its motto, "Excellence in Education." The district employs a staff of dedicated, energetic, and highly qualified teachers who respect and enjoy working with students.
