genesis parent portal hightstown nj

by Alayna Gislason 10 min read

What is the Genesis parent access portal?

The Genesis Parent Access Portal is a safe and secure way to view your child's/student school record for the current school year. This new tool will help improve communication about student progress and attendance and allow the school and home to work together more closely to ensure student success.

How do I create an account to access my student's Genesis information?

How do I create an account to access my student's Genesis information? If you have provided your child's school main office with an email address, then you will receive a Genesis system generated email with your username (email address provided) and password.

What if I do not have a Parent Portal account?

If you do not currently have an account, please complete the form below and return it to the school of your oldest child. Questions regarding Parent Portal can be sent to . Follow the link below to access the Parent Portal.

When are parents set up for parent access?

Parents are set up for Parent Access when they register their child for school the first time.


When does Genesis Parent Portal open?

We open the Genesis Parent Portal late August, each year.

What to do if you don't have an email address for Genesis?

If you have not provided an email address for communication you will need to contact your child's school main office to provide an email address to receive the Genesis system generated email with your username and password.

Is Genesis Parent Portal secure?

Please use the following information to help you get started with, and continue using, the Genesis Parent Portal. It is a secure system so please keep all of the information confidential.

Does Genesis have a mobile app?

No, Genesis does not have mobile app. You may choose to bookmark the URL with a shortcut on your mobile device to make logging in easier. After consulting the guide, if you are still having difficulty with the Genesis Parent Portal,, please use the Genesis Parent Portal Online Help Desk through this link:

What is EWRSD 2021?

EWRSD has been allocated funds under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021 . The ARP Act provides Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funds to school districts to support the safe reopening of schools in September 2021. The ARP Act requires each District that receives ARP ESSER funds to develop and make publicly available on its website, a plan for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services for all schools (EWRSD Safe Return Plan).

What elementary school was encouraged to stop by the library to be the I in Kind?

Students at Perry L. Drew Elementary School were encouraged to stop by the library to be the “I” in KIND!

Is EWRSD providing free school meals for 2021-2022?

In accordance with the National School Lunch Program, EWRSD will be providing free school meals for all students for the 2021-2022 school year. P-EBT benefits eligibility is determined by submitting an application for Free and Reduced-Price School Meals. Families must re-apply for the Free & Reduced lunch program at the start of each school year.

What is parent access in Genesis?

Parent Access is a component of Genesis — our student information system. It allows us to provide you with a safe and secure way to view academic information about your children in one portal via the Internet. Depending on your child’s grade level you will have access to some or all of the following information:

What is Genesis student login ID?

Your Genesis student login ID is the same as your google account. Firstinitial The number represents the year of graduation. For example

When do parents set up Parent Access?

Parents are set up for Parent Access when they register their child for school the first time. If you do not think you have a Parent Access account, or want to set up a second account for your spouse, send an email from an email address we have on file that you wish to register with to: with the following information:

Do all students in grades 6-12 have access to their own account?

All students in grades 6 - 12 have their own access accounts. Because of this there is no need to let them use your account or give them your password. Student accounts do NOT have the ability to see contact information or sign forms electronically, but they can see everything else the parent account can see.

What is EWRSD 2021?

EWRSD has been allocated funds under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act of 2021 . The ARP Act provides Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ARP ESSER) funds to school districts to support the safe reopening of schools in September 2021. The ARP Act requires each District that receives ARP ESSER funds to develop and make publicly available on its website, a plan for the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services for all schools (EWRSD Safe Return Plan).

Do hybrid cohorts need to fill out a daily attestation form?

Students attending school in the hybrid cohorts need to fill out a daily attestation form completed BEFORE arriving at school. Parents can access the attestation form in the Genesis Parent Portal ; The directions take you through the steps.
