genesis parent portal hillsborough

by Dee Jones 10 min read

What is the Genesis parent access portal?

The Genesis Parent Access Portal is a safe and secure way to view your child's/student school record for the current school year. This new tool will help improve communication about student progress and attendance and allow the school and home to work together more closely to ensure student success.

What information will I have access to in Genesis?

In Genesis you will have access to your child's school records, including: Student Data - student name, address, contact information, date of birth recorded in the school files, homeroom, teacher.

What if I do not have a first-time password for Genesis?

If you have never logged into the Genesis Parent Portal before, and you do not have a first-time password, please contact your school for assistance. When you log in for the first time with this password, you will be prompted to change it to something you will easily remember. Please make a note of your new password.

How do I Reset my Password for the parent access portal?

You can click on the “Forgot your password” link on the Parent Access Portal login page or you can contact the main office of your child’s school to have your password reset. Please note that you cannot be given your existing password: for safety reasons, Genesis never displays a user’s password, even to the system administrators.


What information does Genesis have?

In Genesis you will have access to your child's school records, including: Student Data - student name, address, contact information, date of birth recorded in the school files, homeroom, teacher. Acceptable Use Policy and Media Release Forms - Parents are now required to grant their students access to technology use, ...

How does Genesis work?

Genesis allows parents to access their student's school records through the Parent Access Portal. This is a safe and secure way to view your child's/student school record for the current school year. This tool will help improve communication about student progress and attendance and allow the school and home to work together more closely ...

Can you see your child's attendance records in the Parent Portal?

Report cards are no longer printed and sent home with students. Attendance - You may view your child's attendance records in the Parent Portal (dates recorded absent or tardy) Bus information - Incoming and outgoing bus information is posted in each student's profile and is keep up to date by the District Transportation Department.
