genesis parent portal hola hoboken

by Miss Corine Von 10 min read

What is the Genesis parent access portal?

The Genesis Parent Access Portal is a safe and secure way to view your child's/student school record for the current school year. This new tool will help improve communication about student progress and attendance and allow the school and home to work together more closely to ensure student success.

What is Elysian Charter School of Hoboken?

Welcome to the Elysian Charter School of Hoboken, an innovative K–8, free, public charter school, located in Hoboken, New Jersey. At Elysian, our small size (288 students, 16 students in the class), allows us to focus on the whole child. Children come to us with strengths on which they can learn and grow.

What do I do if I don't have a Genesis account?

If you do not have a login to Genesis, please contact your child's school and they will be able to help you. If you have been locked out of your account, or have forgotten your account information, please contact your child's school to have your account unlocked.


What is Hoboken dual language school?

The Hoboken Dual Language Charter School (HoLa ) offers a traditional core curriculum through instruction in both Spanish and English to children of all language backgrounds. HoLa’s students come from across the spectrum of Hoboken families to form a student body that is culturally, ethnically, linguistically, and socioeconomically diverse. HoLa’s students become bilingual and biliterate in a culturally diverse and nurturing environment.

What is Hola's mission?

HoLa seeks to promote lifelong healthy eating habits in our children through a wholesome nutrition policy that informs our school lunch program and our rules and recommendations for food brought to school by children.

What is Hola school?

HoLa requires that students attend school regularly in accordance with the laws of the state. The success of the school’s educational program is predicated on the presence of its students and requires continuity of instruction and classroom participation. When a student is frequently late or absent, this interrupts the student’s education and disrupts the classroom for teachers and fellow students alike. Please be sure to inform the main office as well as your child’s homeroom teacher about any absences, and provide documentation as required for doctor’s visits or approved high school visits. Students absent from school for any reason are responsible for the completion of assignments missed because of their absence.

What is a hola?

HOLA’s school community is a partnership comprised of our staff, our students and our parent body; each partner plays an essential role in ensuring that our program is successful in meeting its goals. These three complementary groups share responsibility for maximizing academic achievement among our students, and creating and supporting a positive school culture, as well as fostering the sustainability of our rich, well-rounded programming.

Why is homework important in Hola?

Homework is an integral aspect of HoLa’s instructional program. Homework reinforces classroom learning by giving children opportunities to practice skills, to gather relevant data, and to integrate the knowledge they have acquired in their classroom lessons. Homework also helps students to develop personal responsibility and the ability to work independently. At HoLa, homework always has a wholly educational purpose; it is never assigned for punitive reasons, nor is it ever considered mere “busy work.” Each child’s homework is collected and evaluated, and students are provided feedback on their homework assignments.

When are report cards sent home?

Classroom-Based Assessment. Each child’s progress is recorded three times per year in the form of Report Cards, which are sent home in November, March, and June. Report cards are based on teachers’ ongoing observation and classroom assessment throughout the year, and are supported by the child’s portfolio of classroom work and homework.

Does Hola encourage reading?

In addition to supporting students with their assigned homework, HoLa strongly encourages parents and caregivers to engage their children in reading. Children flourish in environments where books are available and reading is valued. HoLa recommends that you read books to your children often (in your home language), that you read with them as they develop their own reading skills, and that you provide ample time and opportunity for them to read on their own.
