genesis parent portal ltps

by Cierra Sauer Jr. 10 min read

What is the Genesis parent access portal?

The Genesis Parent Access Portal is a safe and secure way to view your child's/student school record for the current school year. This new tool will help improve communication about student progress and attendance and allow the school and home to work together more closely to ensure student success.

Why choose Genesis student information and administration?

Over 300 NJ school districts rely on Genesis' Student Information and Administration Software System to manage their student, personnel and financial management records. Their comprehensive feature set caters to the needs of parents and students, teachers, administrators, staff and special education case managers.

How do I create an account to access my student's Genesis information?

How do I create an account to access my student's Genesis information? If you have provided your child's school main office with an email address, then you will receive a Genesis system generated email with your username (email address provided) and password.

Where can I find a user guide for the Genesis Portal?

A complete user guide for the Genesis portal is available here. Should you require additional technology help, please email the Parent Helpdesk at Please allow one business day for a response.


What is Genesis in Lawrence Township?

Genesis is Lawrence Township Public School’s student information system, used to record and track student records, including grades and attendance. It’s a comprehensive system that allows educators and administrators to effectively and conveniently manage student records. It also allows us to share attendance and grade information with our parents. This guide details how to use the ‘Parent Access’ of Genesis.

Does Genesis send you notifications?

You can ask Genesis to send you notification when new grades are associated with your child’s account. In order to take advantage of this, parents have to opt into this feature using "Genesis Message Center" icon.

What is Genesis in Lawrence Township?

Genesis is Lawrence Township Public School’s student information system, used to record and track student records, including grades and attendance. It’s a comprehensive system that allows educators and administrators to effectively and conveniently manage student records. It also allows us to share attendance and grade information with our parents. This guide details how to use the ‘Parent Access’ of Genesis.

What is the summary page on LHS?

This provides easy access to recent assignments, current schedule, and this week's daily attendance. At LHS and LMS, attendance is taken for each period, and this class-by-class attendance is available for parents to see. Along the top of the page are icons to lead you to different areas of the Parent Access.

Does Genesis send you notifications?

You can ask Genesis to send you notification when new grades are associated with your child’s account. In order to take advantage of this, parents have to opt into this feature using "Genesis Message Center" icon.

When did Genesis send emails?

E-mails were sent from Genesis on August 28 or 29. This e-mail contained the e-mail associated with your child’s account and the automatically generated password which is unique to your child.

When will elementary school parents be able to view students' grades and attendance?

The ability to view grades throughout the marking period is limited to parents of students in grades 6-12. Parents of students in grades K-5 will be able to view the report cards at the conclusion of each marking period. Report cards will be posted within ten days of the end of each marking period.

Can a parent sign on to a student account?

Yes, the ability to create a single sign on account is available to any parent/guardian of each student.

Can other people see my child’s grades and information?

As long as you protect your password, others will not be able to see your child’s information. Each child/parent is issued a unique password.

When does Genesis Parent Portal open?

We open the Genesis Parent Portal late August, each year.

What to do if you don't have an email address for Genesis?

If you have not provided an email address for communication you will need to contact your child's school main office to provide an email address to receive the Genesis system generated email with your username and password.

Is Genesis Parent Portal secure?

Please use the following information to help you get started with, and continue using, the Genesis Parent Portal. It is a secure system so please keep all of the information confidential.

Do you see your student data summary on your child's dashboard?

Yes, the first screen you will seen is your child's Student Data Summary. This is your child's Dashboard screen. You will see a 'dashboard' for every child linked to your login. All your children will be on one screen.

Does Genesis have a mobile app?

No, Genesis does not have mobile app. You may choose to bookmark the URL with a shortcut on your mobile device to make logging in easier. After consulting the guide, if you are still having difficulty with the Genesis Parent Portal,, please use the Genesis Parent Portal Online Help Desk through this link:
