genesis parent portal roselle nj

by Dr. Anika Kautzer 8 min read

How to see all assignments in One Day?

To see all of the Assignments for one day (for example, Tuesday), click on the highlighted day name. That will take you to the “One Day/All Assignments” screen.

How to print contact information on a student?

To print a copy of all of the contact information found on the Contacts screen for one student, locate the PDF icon next to the student’s name and click it.

What is included in each message in Genesis?

Each Message includes a date, an Icon identifying which module of Genesis sent it, the message itself and potentially an additional line of information and possibly View, Link and Delete buttons:

What is the first screen on Genesis?

When you login to Genesis Web Access the first screen you see is your student’s Student Data Summary. This is the student’s Dashboard screen. You will see a ‘dashboard’ for every student linked to your login. All your students will be on one screen.

What is the conference tab in a school?

The Conferences tab contains a list of conferences scheduled with school personnel (teachers, counselors, case managers) that have been made for the student and their guardian(s).

What is the one day assignment screen?

If you click on a day name, you come to the “One Day/All Assignments” screen. This is the “List Assignments” screen set for one day, all courses, all assignments.

What does it mean when a student has an empty schedule?

Scheduling is a long and complicated process. An empty or missing schedule simply means that your student’s school has not yet completed the scheduling process and is not a cause for alarm.

What is parent access in Genesis?

Parent Access is a component of Genesis — our student information system. It allows us to provide you with a safe and secure way to view academic information about your children in one portal via the Internet. Depending on your child’s grade level you will have access to some or all of the following information:

What information do you need to know about your child's grade?

Depending on your child’s grade level you will have access to some or all of the following information: Your child’s schedule, and daily attendance record. Your child’s class attendance (grades 6 – 12) Your child’s discipline information. Your child's marking period, mid-term exam, final exam and final grades.

Do all students in grades 6-12 have access to their own account?

All students in grades 6 - 12 have their own access accounts. Because of this there is no need to let them use your account or give them your password. Student accounts do NOT have the ability to see contact information or sign forms electronically, but they can see everything else the parent account can see.

Can parents receive emails?

Parents can receive emails or text messages automatically for the following actions: A new form has been posted for you (Messages) A new document has been posted for you (Messages) A grade has been updated in a teacher’s gradebook (Gradebook grades) A letter has been generated for one of your children (Letters)
