genesis parent portal roselle park

by Miss Madaline Satterfield 7 min read

How do I access the Genesis Parent Portal?

We open the Genesis Parent Portal late August, each year. How do I create an account to access my student's Genesis information? If you have provided your child's school main office with an email address, then you will receive a Genesis system generated email with your username (email address provided) and password.

How do I create an account to access my student's Genesis information?

How do I create an account to access my student's Genesis information? If you have provided your child's school main office with an email address, then you will receive a Genesis system generated email with your username (email address provided) and password.

What do I do if I Forget my Parent Portal password?

Please use the password reset link on the Parent Portal page if you have forgotten your password.


What is included in each message in Genesis?

Each Message includes a date, an Icon identifying which module of Genesis sent it, the message itself and potentially an additional line of information and possibly View, Link and Delete buttons:

What is the first screen on Genesis?

When you login to Genesis Web Access the first screen you see is your student’s Student Data Summary. This is the student’s Dashboard screen. You will see a ‘dashboard’ for every student linked to your login. All your students will be on one screen.

Where is the amessage on my child's report card?

If you are able to view your child’s actual report card, amessage will appear between your child’s name and their list of grades: If this message appears, click it to view the actual report card displayed in Adobe Reader (Adobe Reader must be installed on your computer). A sample report card is shown below.

What to do if you don't have an email address for Genesis?

If you have not provided an email address for communication you will need to contact your child's school main office to provide an email address to receive the Genesis system generated email with your username and password.

Is Genesis Parent Portal secure?

Please use the following information to help you get started with, and continue using, the Genesis Parent Portal. It is a secure system so please keep all of the information confidential.

Does Genesis have a mobile app?

No, Genesis does not have mobile app. You may choose to bookmark the URL with a shortcut on your mobile device to make logging in easier. After consulting the guide, if you are still having difficulty with the Genesis Parent Portal,, please use the Genesis Parent Portal Online Help Desk through this link:
