genusiis parent portal

by Dr. Presley Moen 10 min read

How do I enable the parent portal?

To turn on the option:

  • Go to School District Admin Main > Options
  • Click Options under the column heading SBL Options
  • Edit
  • Check Student/Parent Portal Overview
  • Save

How to create Parent Portal?

If you would like to give the user access to the Parent Portal feature, select this option.

  • Select the contact name
  • Set Relationship to Client type as “Parent/Guardian”.
  • This will activate the Parent Portal Access selection box to be displayed. If you would like to give the user access to the Parent Portal feature, select this option.

How do I access the parent portal?

Secure payments

  • 100% digital, instant transactions
  • Our automated facility means making multiple and recurring payments easy
  • Your data is saved avoiding the need to re-enter your information.
  • All your fee payments and billing are in one place, meaning visibility across your transactions is easy

How to log into parent portal?

Parent Portal

  1. Parent Self Serve. This application allows parents to access their student's attendance and grade records.
  2. Student Registration. Beginning January 4, 2021, parents can register a new student for the 2021-2022 school year through Parent Self-Serve or go straight to the AISD Student Registration system ...
  3. My Messages. ...
  4. BLEND. ...


What is parent access in Genesis?

Parent Access is a component of Genesis — our student information system. It allows us to provide you with a safe and secure way to view academic information about your children in one portal via the Internet. Depending on your child’s grade level you will have access to some or all of the following information:

What information do you need to know about your child's grade?

Depending on your child’s grade level you will have access to some or all of the following information: Your child’s schedule, and daily attendance record. Your child’s class attendance (grades 6 – 12) Your child’s discipline information. Your child's marking period, mid-term exam, final exam and final grades.

Can parents receive emails?

Parents can receive emails or text messages automatically for the following actions: A new form has been posted for you (Messages) A new document has been posted for you (Messages) A grade has been updated in a teacher’s gradebook (Gradebook grades) A letter has been generated for one of your children (Letters)

Do all students in grades 6-12 have access to their own account?

All students in grades 6 - 12 have their own access accounts. Because of this there is no need to let them use your account or give them your password. Student accounts do NOT have the ability to see contact information or sign forms electronically, but they can see everything else the parent account can see.
