ghms parent portal

by Ona Block 4 min read

What does Sarah do at GHMS?

She offers support to our students, staff, and families to support mental health needs. She is a kind and caring person who has so many resources and supports that help creates a positive learning environment for everyone at GHMS. We are so very grateful to have Sarah on our campus this year!

What are the age requirements to use Georgia Highlands Medical Services?

All patients must be 18+. Welcome to Georgia Highlands Medical Services. We are proud to have been serving the community since 1979 as a provider of the highest quality medical care to everyone in our service area – regardless of income level, insurance status or language spoken.

Who is the GHMS Prescott Valley Early Bird Lions Club Student of month?

Congratulations Christopher Thomas . on being the GHMS Prescott Valley Early Bird Lions Club Student of the Month!! House Piranhas is proud to nominate Christopher Thomas as Student of the Month!! Christopher is an amazing student that shows Growth, Harmony, Maturity, and Self-Discipline every day.


Office Updates: Committed to Every Patients Health

Georgia Highlands Medical Services is closely monitoring rapidly changing status of the novel Corona Virus (COVID-19). We continue to follow the CDC’s most up-to-date recommendations for protecting and managing your family in our office. Your safety and health is our primary concern.

From Home Appointments: Prepare for My Telehealth Visit

Georgia Highlands Medical Services offers select services via Telehealth Visit through the Healow App (from your smartphone) or through the patient portal (on a computer). Through this service, we will be able to facilitate long-distance patient and clinician contact and care.

Welcome to GEMS Parent Portal

With the GEMS Connect App, parents can now access student information, track bus location, pay fees, view circulars, newsletters, timetable, assesment reports and track attendance, submit leave requests and do much more in one place.

GEMS Connect

With the GEMS Connect App, parents can now access student information, track bus location, pay fees, view circulars, newsletters, timetable, assesment reports and track attendance, submit leave requests and do much more in one place.
