The vision of Gholson ISD is to prepare all students to reach their individual potential as life-long learners creating responsible and contributing members of a rapidly changing, diverse, global society.
If your account has been LOCKED, the Schooltool parent portal system will automatically UNLOCK your account after 15 minutes. If you do not remember your password, click on the “New User or Forgot Password” link.
Parent Portal allows parents and guardians to securely view information online about their student, such as report card grades and emergency contact information. It is vital that parents and guardians confirm that their correct contact information, such as cell phone, address and email addresses, are on file with the district.
For the upcoming 2021-2022 school year, please send in updated immunization records to Nurse Nicolyn. All 7th graders need mandatory updated Tdap and Meningococcal vaccines before the start of the school year. Please schedule an appointment with your medical provider or the Health Department this summer to ensure your child is in compliance.
We at GJGMS will provide a healthy and collaborative community where students develop literacy skills across all content areas and are afforded opportunities for problem-solving, critical thinking, and self-awareness in order to develop strong academics in preparation for college.
Your username is your full email address provided to us at the time you enrolled for a new parent portal account.
Please contact your child’s school directly so they can make the necessary updates.
Please fill out the “Parent Portal new enrollment form” on the top right-hand side of this page.