In the Fall, Student login information is emailed to parents of sixth grade students. Parents and students access the Grade Portal from the same login screen, but use different login credentials. Students are able to access the site immediately with their district assigned student credentials.
PowerSchool Grade Portal Overview Glastonbury Public School's PowerSchool Grade Portal is available for students in grades 6-12 and their parents and guardians. The purpose of this tool is to improve communication between students, teachers, and parents.
Email the Parent Portal HelpDesk if you have difficulties with parent accounts: Secondary students have access to a personal Aspen account where they only see their own posted grades and information. Students having difficulties with accounts should contact the Library Media Specialist at school.
Parents of incoming sixth grade students who attend Glastonbury elementary schools will receive Parent Account setup information during the Spring of fifth grade. In the Fall, Student login information is emailed to parents of sixth grade students.
It is used by the District and School leaders to communicate important information to parents, including emergency alerts. The main telephone number and email address you provide as part of the registration process are accessed for this communication resource. Please be sure you provide up to date contact information to your child's school office staff in order to ensure timely receipt of information.
Schoology: Secondary (6-12) Schoology is the learning management system where teachers post homework, link documents and resources, give quizzes, host discussions, and allow for online submissions of some assignments. This is not where posted grades are kept.
Schoology is the learning management system where teachers link documents and resources, give quizzes, host discussions, and allow for online submissions of some assignments. This is not where posted grades are kept. Some elementary teachers may use Schoology for homework, but they are not required to do so.
The elementary standards-based grading system does not align with the Aspen gradebook, and thus elementary teachers do not post individual assignment grades there. There is a link to Aspen in the Schoology account.