glendale high school parent portal

by Alexzander Nicolas 9 min read

How do I receive the Glendale Technology High School newsletter?

Sign up to receive the Glendale Technology High School Newsletter via email by CLICKING HERE. As schools prepare for the start of Term 1, 2022, parents and carers of students aged 12 years and above are reminded to book their chi...

Why choose Glendale High School?

There is a great sense of pride and purpose at Glendale that fulfills all of us! We are fortunate to have a community and a board of education that support our school district. We are grateful to our highly qualified teachers who care for and educate our students.

Where is the Student Planner 20202021 Glendale High School?

Student Planner 20202021 Glendale High School © 2018 , 37 Glendale Dr., Tillsonburg . Tel. 519-842-4207, Fax 519-842-4551, AccessibilityContact UsReporting ItSitemapCareersFOI RequestFeedback Designed by eSolutionsGroup

How do I access the student portal?

To access the portal you will need to be registered and have your student key provided by the school. Please contact the Administration Office for assistance. The portal provides parens with information on: and much more information.


Steps to keep healthy & safe

Flu season is upon us and we want to make sure you are taking steps to stay healthy and safe. Click here for a few reminders.

Restorative Practices at Glendale High School

WHAT ARE RESTORATIVE PRACTICES? Restorative Practice is a framework for building community and for responding to challenging behavior through authentic dialogue, coming to understanding, and making things right.

Register to Vote!

Visit for information on how to register (18-year-olds) or pre-register (16-17-year-olds) to vote, find your polling place, and learn what to expect on election days.

Welcome to Glendale Technology High School!

to become caring and responsible citizens who realise their full potential.

Latest news

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News & Announcements

This Health & Safety Plan was approved by the School Board on 8/15/21.

Letter from the Superintendent

As your partner in education, I share your commitment to our district’s mission to create a “positive climate in which all students will develop the academic, technological, and social skills necessary to function successfully as citizens in our ever-changing global society.”
