glenpool school parent portal

by Mekhi Roob 7 min read

What is Parent Portal SchoolTool?

Parent Portal SchoolTool is the Liverpool Central School District’s online student-parent portal for personalized information. It is a password-protected, secure website that offers parents and students online access to information about a student’s academic program and progress.

What is the welcome Parent Portal?

Welcome Parents! This parent portal includes important links/resources for the school year. No recent updates.

How do I unlock my SchoolTool Parent Portal account?

If your account has been LOCKED, the Schooltool parent portal system will automatically UNLOCK your account after 15 minutes. If you do not remember your password, click on the “New User or Forgot Password” link.

What does Liverpool Central School District do?

About Liverpool Central District Liverpool Central School District will establish and support opportunities for all students to be effective communicators, innovative thinkers, problem solvers, and life-long learners who thereby contribute to an ever-changing world. Copyright © 2021, Liverpool Central School District About Schools Departments

What happens after you login to a school?

After you login, you will be directed to create a new password that you will use for all future logins. Login for Students. Students use the same username and password used in school. For Parents: Forgot your password.

What is SchoolTool?

SchoolTool is the Liverpool Central School District’s online student-parent portal for personalized information. It is a password-protected, secure website that offers parents and students online access to information about a student’s academic program and progress.

Do students use the same username and password?

Students use the same username and password used in school.

Can you use Campus Portal for illegal activities?

User will not use the Campus Portal for any illegal activity, including violation of Data Privacy laws. Anyone found to be in violation of these laws may be subject to Civil and/or Criminal prosecution.

Is access to campus portal a right or privilege?

Access to the campus Portal on the school district computer system is a privilege, not a right. Users of the Campus Portal are required to adhere to the following guidelines:

What is parent portal?

Parent Portal allows parents and guardians to securely view information online about their student, such as report card grades and emergency contact information.

How long does it take for Schooltool to unlock your account?

If your account has been LOCKED, the Schooltool parent portal system will automatically UNLOCK your account after 15 minutes.