gloucester county parent portal

by Chauncey Erdman 8 min read

What is unified classroom in Gloucester County public schools?

Gloucester County Public Schools is now using Unified Classroom. Unified Classroom gives teachers the ability to manage the entire instructional process more efficiently.

How do I get help with the parent portal?

For assistance with portal keys please contact the school office. Access the Parent Portal via your mobile device by linking to the Sentral Parent App. For a video tutorial on how to register for the Sentral Parent App please click on the following link - Video Tutorial

How do I create a portal account for my child?

First, a Portal account is created with your email address and second, your Portal Key provides access to your child/children’s information. Register for access using the portal registration link. You must use a valid email address to create a username and password.


What is PowerSchool data?

Because PowerSchool is web based, this allows the sharing of data with parent and guardians for secure and easy access.

Can you send progress reports to a parent?

All progress reports will no longer be mailed to any parent/guardian who has officially received a PowerSchool log-on with the intent to utilize the system. Only students in danger of failing will receive progress reports through the mail.

What is the purpose of CSP in Gloucester County?

All residents of Gloucester County are entitled to receive services from the Child Support and Paternity Program ( CSP ). The purpose of this program is to establish paternity, child support and medical orders against the non-custodial/absent parent for the children in our community. "We believe child support is more than just money. It is the responsibility of each parent-both mother and father- to make sure their child has enough food to eat, clothes to wear and a safe place to live."

What is the CSP number in NJ?

Customers may also access enhanced customer services by calling 877 -NJKIDS1 (877-655-4371) or through the website.

How to contact NJ child support?

For all Child Support related questions, please contact the Child Support Call Center at 877-NJKIDS1 (877-655-4371) or visit the Child Support website.
