parent portal

by Tre Schoen 3 min read

2019-2020 School District and School Grades Determined under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act

The official school and district grade reports, as required under the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act (ABR), were released on June 29, 2021...

BLK Random Acts of Kindness Spirit Week

Blackwood Elementary School Random Acts of Kindness Spirit Week Be sure to spread your kindness by taking the time to do one or more random...

BLK Random Acts of Kindness Spirit Week

Blackwood Elementary School Random Acts of Kindness Spirit Week Be sure to spread your kindness by taking the time to do one or more random...

BLK Random Acts of Kindness Spirit Week

Blackwood Elementary School Random Acts of Kindness Spirit Week Be sure to spread your kindness by taking the time to do one or more random...

Gloucester Township Special Parents and Kids Network (SPKN)

Gloucester Township Special Parents & Kids Network (SPKN) is a non-profit group that has been in existence since the summer of 2013. We are ...

Community Notification System

The Gloucester Township Police Department began using a new state of the art Community Notification System. The Gloucester Township Police “...

What is the phone number for Gloucester Township Public Schools?

If you know of a child who exhibits problems seeing, hearing, talking, moving or thinking, please encourage the parents to call 856-227-1400, ext. 3402 for a free evaluation.

What is a gifted and talented program handbook?

The program handbooks describe the identification process and instructional programs. You can access the handbooks, the district’s eligibility criteria, and more information about the program curriculum and complaint/appeals process here: Gifted & Talented . If you wish to file a complaint regarding noncompliance with the provisions of the Strengthening Gifted and Talented Education Act, please contact the Gifted and Talented Supervisor via email.

What is attendance policy?

In order to comply with state law and to make sure students receive the important educational experiences they need, the Board of Education has established an attendance policy. The district defines three different types of absences – unexcused, parent explained/authorized, and administrative excused with documentation. This policy also defines parent responsibilities and school responses to increasing numbers of absences, up to and including referral to municipal court.

What is food services in GTPS?

The Food Services department serves delicious and nutritious meals to the students and staff while remaining in compliance with all the Bureau of Child Nutrition and Board of Health regulations. Remember to apply for free or reduced cost meals by returning the application that was sent to you in August (copies available in school offices) to the GTPS Food Services office. Additionally, visit the district website to view menus, make meal account deposits, or view further policy information.

How does the school district keep student records?

The district maintains records for each student. Parents have the right to inspect and review the student's education records and to request changes if the records are inaccurate. Additionally, parents have the right to provide written consent before the school discloses personally identifiable information from the student's education records, with the exception of legitimate educational use, or where permitted by state or federal regulations. School officials may share student data with employees, state or federal agencies, contractors, or consultants providing a legitimate educational service. Additionally, directory information may be shared unless opted out in writing to the building principal. Click here​​​​​​​ for more information.
