gmvs parent portal

by Ismael Rohan 6 min read

How do I set up a Parent Portal account?

To set up a Parent Portal account or report an issue accessing your account, please contact your local school. envisioning a system of world-class schools Gwinnett County Public Schools has earned and maintains system accreditation through Cognia. If any visitor to this site has an issue accessing information, please contact us.

What does GMVs stand for?

These two athletes join Tomás Barata […] On Saturday June 5, Green Mountain Valley School (GMVS) wrapped up a successful school year, after operating in-person classes and athletics through a worldwide pandemic without missing a beat.

Who are these two more GMVs athletes joining national teams?

Green Mountain Valley School (GMVS) is thrilled to share that two more GMVS athletes have been named to national ski teams. Congratulations to Dingyue (Ellen) Zhang (‘23) who has joined the Chinese National Team, and Oscar Preisler (‘22) who has recently been named to the Danish National Alpine Team. These two athletes join Tomás Barata […]

Why can't I see all of my Children on the portal?

Each parent only needs one portal account, regardless of the number of children enrolled or their grade levels. If you can't see all your children, please contact the school of the child you don't see. Retrieve your password.


What is the PFS for GMVS?

GMVS uses a nationally standardized system for financial aid offered by School and Student Service for Financial Aid (SSS). Each family completes a Parents’ Financial Statement (PFS) and submits it to SSS online at Upon your request, the PFS is sent to GMVSl ( School Code: 3543 ). Financial documents required for submission to SSS will be handled with the utmost level of privacy.

Does tuition alone cover GMVS?

We strive to make the GMVS experience as affordable as possible, and we realize that tuition alone does not cover the cost of a GMVS education.

Does GMVS grant financial aid?

The financial aid committee determines financial aid grants for admitted students based on a family’s demonstrated need. Although GMVS benefits from a robust financial aid budget, there is no guarantee that the full amount for which a family qualifies will be granted.

Welcome to GEMS Parent Portal

With the GEMS Connect App, parents can now access student information, track bus location, pay fees, view circulars, newsletters, timetable, assesment reports and track attendance, submit leave requests and do much more in one place.

GEMS Connect

With the GEMS Connect App, parents can now access student information, track bus location, pay fees, view circulars, newsletters, timetable, assesment reports and track attendance, submit leave requests and do much more in one place.
