gnbvt parent portal

by Ms. Amiya Bergnaum V 5 min read

Positive Result Reporting

As part of the at-home antigen testing program, all positive test results should be reported to the school district. Test results are sent to the district/school for informational purposes only. All results will remain confidential, and individual results will never be made public.


At Greater New Bedford Voc-Tech you’ll get a great academic education, and you’ll also learn the technical and vocational skills that can jump start your career as soon as you walk off the stage at graduation. We don’t just get you ready for college, we get you ready for whatever your next steps might be.


It is an important time to honor our past and present which is monumental in shaping our future. It is time to come together as a community to honor our commitment to diverse learning and strive for racial equality. Marcus Garvey famously wrote “A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.”


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Exploratory Program

During the first half of the year, freshmen explore fifteen (15) career/technical areas. Two areas are explored each cycle and the cycles alternate every six (6) days between academics and career/technical exploration.

Final Shop Selection

At the end of the exploratory program, students will have the opportunity to create a new list of the top 6 shops that they would like to be their permanent shop. While we STRONGLY recommend the list consist solely of shops students have explored during the day, after school or at Open House, the list may contain any shop they want.

Remind App

Stay in the loop on upcoming events & important information by receiving mobile messages from your child’s guidance counselor!

School Guidance Mission

School counselors at GNB Voc-Tech work closely with parents/guardians, staff, and community members to enable all students to reach their full potential and be productive citizens and lifelong learners in a diverse and changing world.

It is time to choose your courses for the next school year!

Click below on your current year to see the 2021 – 2022 options, including VHS information for your senior year.
