gnps sms parent portal

by Miss Kristy Mills 3 min read

What forms does GNPs offer?

GNPS Forms GNPS Professional Development Parents Campus Parent Portal Infofinder i - School Zones & Bus Stops MySchoolBucks ParentLink Notification SMS Parent Information SMS PTA SMS SDM SEPTA - C.H.I.L.D.

How do I set up a Parent Portal account?

To set up a Parent Portal account or report an issue accessing your account, please contact your local school. envisioning a system of world-class schools Gwinnett County Public Schools has earned and maintains system accreditation through Cognia. If any visitor to this site has an issue accessing information, please contact us.

How can parents access student information about their children online?

Great Neck uses the Infinite Campus student information system and makes the Campus Parent Portal available to authorized parents/guardians so that they can securely access student information about their children online. The information we make available includes:

What is the email of the Great Neck public schools?

Email The purpose of the official Web site of the Great Neck Public Schools is to disseminate information about the educational programs, services, and activities of our district, and promote the accomplishments of our schools, students, and staff to the local and global educational community.


What is the infinite campus family portal?

The Infinite Campus Family Portal offers families a deep understanding and knowledge of student progress through the Personalized Student Dashboard, which displays student assessment and testing data and also student:

When does the MAP assessment show growth?

The MAP assessment also allows us to compare the academic growth made from the beginning of the school year (August or September) until later tests. The “Growth from the Start of Year” is shown in the “RESULT” column below the national percentile score. In the above example, Albert made growth in Reading achievement from August 2020 until May 2021 of 6 RIT points (from 204 to 210).

Can parents log into the Portal?

Parents should not log into the Portal using their student's account, but rather create their own Campus Parent account. Here's why:
