good counsel primary parent portal

by Jude Grant V 7 min read

Why join Good Counsel primary school?

Join Us! Welcome to our school. At Good Counsel Primary we value a strong partnership with families and encourage the building of relationships within a caring and safe community. It is our belief that children more easily achieve their true potential when parents feel comfortable being active and involved in the life of the school.

Why mother of Good Counsel School North Cairns?

Contributing to the popularity of Mother of Good Counsel School, North Cairns is the school’s strong record of success in achieving good academic outcomes in Literacy and Numeracy. Our high calibre of staff, strong parental support and up-to-date learning facilities contribute to this success.

Why Choose Our Lady of Good Counsel School?

Principal's Message Our Lady of Good Counsel School is one of the Brisbane Archdiocesan Catholic Schools and as such is founded on a partnership of students, parents, staff, pastors and parishioners at a local level within the broader mission of the church.


Useful Links for Parents

Jupiter Ed is your online resource for student results. View attendance, grades, and school memos sent on Thursdays. Communicate with teachers. Please follow this link.

Downloads for Parents

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