Gow specializes in the remediation of dyslexia (reading problems) and related language-based learning disabilities.
Reconstructive Language (RL) is Gow’s own remedial language-skills program, created by school founder Peter Gow, Jr, with guidance from pioneering neurologist Dr. Samuel T. Orton.
Working together, students, faculty and staff are devoted to understanding, supporting, and valuing the learning differences and strengths of students in order to reignite their lives.
Dynamic and leading edge, technology at Gow is developed for the benefit of students and selected for its appropriateness rather than its trendiness.
Students enrolled in the EFC program typically meet one-on-one with their EF coach once a week for 45-60 minutes.
The Gow College Advising Center offers a comprehensive, individualized program to assist students and their families as they apply to college and make the transition from high school.
At The Gow School we get middle schoolers! We know and embrace how social, enthusiastic, impulsive, capable, and sometimes even a little quirky they can be.
The portal provides information about grades, class schedule, attendance, assignments, test scores, transcripts, and report cards.
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