gradebook parent portal registration

by Raphael Smith 6 min read

How do parents get access to gradebook?

Parents can access Gradebook via the Portal. They must first register to create an account in the Portal and add their students. The documents below provide more information and instructions on Portal set up and navigation for parents:

What is the parent portal and how do I Register?

Parent Portal Registration The Parent Portal was created to give Parents a single location for accessing information about their Student or their Student's School. Through the portal, you can see Fees, Fines, Grades, attendance, and other information about your Student.

How does the web based parent/student portal work?

Parents and students can create accounts with a unique security code they receive from the district and then be able to log into the Web Based Parent/Student Portal. After logging into the website, Parents will find a simple to use list of all of their children in the district.

What if my student has never logged into parent portal?

If you have never logged into Parent Portal, you must create your parent portal account first. Please include your student's name, ID number and campus. Business hours are: Monday-Friday 7:00 AM–5:00 PM.


What is parent portal?

The Parent Portal was created to give Parents a single location for accessing information about their Student or their Student's School.

What happens if your school information does not match?

If the information does not match, you will be given general error messages noting the failure of the registration process. If you think the information you are providing is correct, it is possible that the information at the school has some errors in it.


Students can access Gradebook by logging into the site above or via the Portal ( with their Active Directory credentials.


Parents can access Gradebook via the Portal. They must first register to create an account in the Portal and add their students. The documents below provide more information and instructions on Portal set up and navigation for parents:


Teachers can access and set up Gradebook by visiting or by using the Gradebook link in the Portal.

Creating Your Account

Please read the " Instructions on creating a Parent Portal account " document before creating your Parent Portal account.

Accessing Your Account

After you create your Parent Portal account, you can access it by going to

Welcome to the Plano ISD Parent Portal

Parents with registered Parent Portal accounts can login and access: Grades | Attendance | Student Registration | Emergency Card | Performance Data | Immunizations and other information about their students.

Need Assistance?

Email*: *Email must include: Student name, Student ID, Campus
