grammar net parent portal

by Mr. Ari Gutkowski 8 min read

How do I download the Knox Grammar School App?

We also have a Knox Grammar School app, which you can download for free from the App Store (iOS) or Play Store (Android) - search 'Knox Grammar School' in your app store. Knox Grammar School App Download Instructions [632.6KB] You may only access the Portal and Parent Lounge if you are a current staff member, student or parent at Knox.

Is the navigation in the portal user friendly?

Although navigation in the portal is user friendly, instructions are also provided on the login page. Thank you Andreas Afamis Headmaster Grammar Summer Club Grammar Institute The Grammar Junior School Grammar Sports Club

How do I contact Mentone Grammar School?

© Mentone Grammar School T: +61 3 9584 4211 F: +61 3 9581 3290 E: 63 Venice Street Mentone, Victoria Australia 3194

How do I login as a parent/guardian?

An individual login and account has been setup for each parent. Your username is made up of your parent code followed by the letter ‘f’ for father, ‘m’ for mother or ‘g’ for guardian (where applicable). So if your parent code is SMITH01, the father’s username would be SMITH01F. Your password is the same as your Bpay reference number.


Is Auckland Grammar free?

How much is the School donation? The 2022 School donation is $1,525.

What decile is Auckland Grammar School?

Decile 10About the SchoolLocationEpsom, AucklandDecile10School roll2461Number of international students95Gender compositionBoys 100%7 more rows

How much does Auckland Grammar cost?

International Gallery. Fees for our international students are NZ$16,000 per annum, which is broken down as - the tuition fee of NZ$14,500 payable in advance, and an Administration fee of $1500 (not refundable). Fees are subject to annual review.

What decile is Mt Albert Grammar?

Decile 7The school is Decile 7, although our students come from the full range of socio-economic households.

What school produced the most All Blacks?

Auckland Grammar1) Auckland Grammar - 48 All Blacks.

What decile is King's College?

decile 10King's celebrated its 125-year anniversary in 2021, while the 40 year anniversary of girls attending King's was celebrated in 2020....King's College, Auckland.King's CollegeSocio-economic decile10AffiliationsG20 Schools Round Square Headmasters' and Headmistresses' ConferenceFormer PupilsOld Boys or Old Collegians18 more rows

How many students does Auckland Grammar have?

Student Population: Year LevelFunding year levelGenderTotalYear 13+Total458TotalFemale0TotalMale2,615TotalTotal2,61514 more rows

How much is it to go to Mags?

Terms 1 & 2 NZ$ 8,060 ($310 p.w. – 26 weeks) Terms 3 & 4 NZ$ 7,440 ($310 p.w. – 24 weeks) Full Year NZ$ 14,880 per year ($310 p.w. – 48 weeks) Accommodation Monitoring Fee (per placement) NZ$300 Any overpayment of homestay fees will be refunded at the end of the student's schooling.

Who owns Dilworth school?

The Dilworth Trust Board is one of New Zealand's largest charities and provides the funding to support the Dilworth School. The original endowment of 100,000 pounds left in 1894 by James Dilworth in his will has been invested wisely since then and now has grown to a diversified portfolio of investments.

What is the best school in NZ?

Top 50 New Zealand Schools 202101 St Cuthbert's College.02 Pinehurst School.03 Kristin School.04 ACG Parnell College.05 Macleans College.06 Diocesan School For Girls.07 Auckland International College.08 Baradene College of the Sacred Heart.More items...

Is decile 10 good?

Decile 1 schools are the 10% of schools with the highest proportion of students from low socio-economic communities. Decile 10 schools are the 10% of schools with the lowest proportion of students from these communities. However, a decile doesn't indicate the overall socio-economic mix of the students at a school.

What decile is Rodney college?

School sector:GovernmentTotal student:361 (boy:184, girl:177)International Student:15Decile rating:4 High school decile rankingNCEA rank:No.40 (2011)9 more rows

What schools are decile 1?

Decile 1 schools are the 10% of schools with the highest proportion of students from low socio-economic communities.

How many decile 10 schools are there in NZ?

Decile 10DecileNumber of schoolsDecile 7246Decile 8234Decile 9235Decile 102636 more rows

What decile is Takapuna Grammar?

10ZEstablished in 1927, the school mainly serves the eponymous suburb of Takapuna and the entire Devonport Peninsula. A total of 1879 students from Years 9 to 13 (ages 12 to 18) attend the school as of March 2022....Takapuna Grammar SchoolAddressPrincipalMary NixonSchool roll1879 (March 2022)Socio-economic decile10Z9 more rows

What decile is Rangitoto College?

decile 10Rangitoto College is a decile 10 school, meaning that, as the ERO (Education Review Office) puts it, Rangitoto draws its students from an area of 'least socio-economic disadvantage'.

Absence from School

If your son/daughter is ill and unable to attend school, we ask all parents to report absences via the Parent Portal.

Academic Provision

We aim to develop a lifelong love of learning in our pupils, where excellent examination results are just one aspect of academic achievement.

Assemblies and Form Time

During the academic year we have a number of assemblies for our pupils and parents to enjoy! Please find all assemblies on our annual school calendar: Calendar.


There are several ways to view the full school calendar for the academic year.

Careers Advice

We offer our students and pupils a wealth of careers advice as they progress through school. Please read our Career Advice webpages for full details.


Bury Grammar School pupils thrive thanks to the excellent partnership between pupil, home and school. For us, good communication is vital, and we will always seek to communicate positively, honestly, and openly with pupils and parents.


If you have any queries at all about how your child is getting on at school, or indeed about any aspect of school life, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with their form tutor/class teacher. They will always be very happy to help and to talk to you over the phone, invite you in or email you – however you wish to communicate.

What is the username of a parent?

Your username is made up of your parent code followed by the letter ‘f’ for father, ‘m’ for mother or ‘g’ for guardian (where applicable). So if your parent code is SMITH01, the father’s username would be SMITH01F.

Where is Knox Portal?

The Knox Portal and our other online portals, such as Parent Lounge, can be accessed at

Can you access the parent lounge at Knox?

You may only access the Portal and Parent Lounge if you are a current staff member, student or parent at Knox. An individual login and account has been setup for each parent.
