grand valley parent portal

by Arlie Spencer PhD 3 min read

What can Grand Valley State University students see in mybanner?

Grand Valley State University students are able to grant permission for an individual (proxy) to view selected student information in myBanner on the Guardian/Family Access page. The student authorizes the proxy and what items the proxy may see. The authorized pages are the same web pages viewable to the student in myBanner.

How do I access the parent module for Genesis?

Click above to access the parent module. We are happy to announce the Parent Module for Genesis, the online student information system, is now available to all parents. This web-based system will enable you to access your student’s grades, attendance, and other important information from any computer with an Internet connection.

How do I create a Parent Portal account for my child?

To create a Parent Portal account, click on the link for your child’s school. Parents/guardians can create their account provided they have an email on record with the school. Once your account is activated, you will see each of your children listed. Elementary report cards will be available for downloading beginning on November 16.

How do I confirm my student information on the GVSU financial aid Portal?

The first time you visit the GVSU Financial Aid Portal you will be asked to confirm your student information. Your name, G-number, and e-mail address will auto-populate. Please do not change this information when making your account.


How to change password on Guardian?

You can change your password by going to the Guardian/Family Access log in page. Fill in your email address. Leave the password field blank and click on the "Forgot Password" button. A unique web link and Action Password will be sent to your e-mail address; you will use the action password to log in and select a new password.

Can a student grant a proxy?

Students are able to grant proxy access to make secure payments, view grades and tax information, and other options through Guardian/Family Access. If someone other than a student typically makes a payment on a student's account, we highly recommend the student set up proxy access so the proxy can make a payment with their own login and password.

In a faculty office, a foul-smelling plant hits its peak: 'The kind of flower only a biochemist could love'

Todd Carlson, professor of chemistry, has an affinity for the voodoo lily.

HR will host event, show results of talent acquisition transformation meetings

A consultant will join HR and university leaders for a meetings, leading to results on March 4.

What grades are open in Upper Grand District?

Registration is now open for the Grade 6, 7, 8 Literacy and Numeracy Support Programs and the Grade 8 Reach Ahead Credits.

What happened to the Upper Grand District School Board?

The Upper Grand District School Board would like to extend our deepest sympathies to the Muslim community following the horrific violence in London, Ontario, which killed four family members and sent another family member to hospital with serious injuries. Officials are reporting that this is an apparent hate crime and that the victims were targeted because of their Muslim faith.

When will the Ugdsb approve Indigenous Education Policy?

UGDSB approves new Indigenous Education policy. Posted May 26, 2021. This policy states that the Upper Grand District School Board acknowledges that Indigenous Peoples are distinct from other equity seeking groups in that they are self-determining nations with inherent rights, laws, and institutions.

When is the Ugdsb remote school open?

Registration for the UGDSB’s 2021-22 Elementary Remote School is open from May 20-June 3. Any families wishing to enrol their child in the ERS are asked to register before the deadline of June 3, 2021, at 4pm.

When is the WDGPH presentation 2021?

On June 14, 2021 , at 7pm, Dr. Matthew Tenenbaum, the Associate Medical Officer of Health for Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health, will be offering a presentation for youth and their parents/caregivers to learn more about WDGPH’s COVID-19 vaccination program and answer parent questions.

When will the Upper Grand District School Board lower the flags?

From May 31 to June 7, the Upper Grand District School Board will lower all flags at school and office buildings, where possible, to honour the 215 children whose lives were taken at a former residential school in Kamloops, B.C.

When is the new weekend program for Indigenous families?

A new weekend program for Indigenous families begins this September. Anishinaabemowin Nanda-gikendan – “Seeking to Learn the Language” – will run on Saturdays from 9-11:30am, from Sept. 18, 2021, to May 28, 2022.

How to create a parent portal for Upper Grand?

To create a Parent Portal account, click on the link for your child’s school. Parents/guardians can create their account provided they have an email on record with the school.

When will elementary report cards be available?

Once your account is activated, you will see each of your children listed. Elementary report cards will be available for downloading beginning on June 23rd.
