In that time, Grandview has developed a rich tradition of providing students with a quality education thus building the foundation of their success.
Grandview's Vision Statement - All stakeholders must work collaboratively to foster student learning. Applications to attend the Washington County Department of Education Prekindergarten 5.5 hour per weekday program for the 2022-2023 school year will be available February 16- March 24 at Grandview, Gray, and Lamar Elementary Schools.
Attention Amazon Shoppers! Make sure to make all of your Amazon purchases through the webpage and select Grandview Elementary PTA as your charity choice. Amazon will donate .5% of the price of your eligible purchases to the PTA. Phones will only be answered during those times.
109Square Miles make up DASD's Geographic Area GrandviewElementary Footer Links 188 Recreation Road, Derry, PA 15627Phone: (724) 694-1401 Powered by Edlio CalendarParent PortalHomeworkDirections
Summary text is best limited to 1-3 sentences, and featured images will look best if all ratios match (current ratio 2x3 landscape). This is an example story.
Urgent stories can be given an alert for parents or community members. This will generate a popup box when you log in, and you can opt to read the full story, dismiss the message once, or opt to not show again. You may set an expiration for the alert.
All text and images are placeholder and able to be replaced by the school.
Thank you for visiting our new website! Please check back often as updates are made, and click on article headlines to view full stories where applicable.
Summary text is best limited to 1-3 sentences, and featured images will look best if all ratios match (current ratio 2x3 landscape). This is an example story.
Urgent stories can be given an alert for parents or community members. This will generate a popup box when you log in, and you can opt to read the full story, dismiss the message once, or opt to not show again. You may set an expiration for the alert.
All text and images are placeholder and able to be replaced by the school.
Congratulations to our Girls Basketball Team for winning at State! We are so proud of you!
We use the app, Band, to communicate with parents, the community and students. Please take a moment to signup. This is for the Grandview School Wide text messages.
Grandview Elementary pairs a rigorous standards -based curriculum with a supportive learning environment which encourages all students to achieve their full potential.
Applications to attend the Washington County Department of Education Prekindergarten 5.5 hour per weekday program for the 2022-2023 school year will be available February 16- March 24 at Grandview, Gray, and Lamar Elementary Schools. All applications should be submitted no later than Thursday, March 24 at one of these three schools.
We are currently working on improving communication with our parents, community, and students. Please take a moment to sign-up.
Grandview families please download the Box Tops App on your phone and add "Grandview Eagles." You just have to scan your receipts after shopping to earn money for our school.
Attention Amazon Shoppers! Make sure to make all of your Amazon purchases through the webpage and select Grandview Elementary PTA as your charity choice. Amazon will donate .5% of the price of your eligible purchases to the PTA.