grant wood parent portal

by Prof. Vallie Torp 5 min read

Where is Grant Wood Elementary School?

Grant Wood Elementary, established in 1951, is nestled in a small neighborhood in the southeast quadrant of the city. Our school was named after Iowa’s famous artist, Grant Wood.

What is Grant Wood area Education Agency?

Grant Wood Area Education Agency is one of nine of Iowa’s intermediate educational service agencies. Grant Wood AEA staff work as educational partners with public and accredited, nonpublic schools to improve the learning outcomes and well-being of all children and youth in a seven county area.

How do I get access to the campus Parent Portal?

To obtain access to the Campus Parent Portal fill out the Acceptable Use Policy and return it in person to your school office. You will need to provide a valid driver’s license as a form of identification to receive your activation code.


What is Grant Wood?

Grant Wood Area Education Agency is one of nine of Iowa’s intermediate educational service agencies. Grant Wood AEA staff work as educational partners with public and accredited, nonpublic schools to improve the learning outcomes and well-being of all children and youth in a seven county area.

Why is Grant Wood the top Iowa employer?

One of the reasons Grant Wood AEA is given the title of top Iowa workplace so often is thanks to the supportive staff at the agency.

What to say to Grant Wood?

I want you to think back to your first day. of each year, each trimester, each season. you walked into Grant Wood. Think of what's to come, next year, and further into your future.

When is the enrollment period for ICCSD 2021?

You will need to complete a separate form for each child you wish to enroll in the program. This enrollment period will be open from June 7-14, 2021. 2021-22 ICCSD Online Enrollment Form:

Can you donate winter gear to school?

While the school can help directly with some winter gear requests, as available, unfortunately, we cannot guarantee winter gear availability as items are all donation-based. As we transition into 2nd trimester, students who are homeless and/or who walk to school will have priority for school/school district resources.

Is Grant Wood after school?

The Neighborhood Centers of Johnson County will continue providing after-school care at Grant Wood this academic year. However, its enrollment is at capacity and new students will be added to the waitlist until further notice.

Does Grant Wood BASP have before school care?

Also, the Grant Wood BASP at this time will not be having Before-School care at this time, but it may do so later on in the school year.

Early ACCESS – Birth to Age 3

Infants and toddlers under the age of 3 are eligible to receive Early ACCESS early intervention services. Early ACCESS is a partnership between families with young children (birth to age 3) and providers from the Iowa Departments of Education, Public Health and Human Services, Child Health Specialty Clinics and Iowa’s AEAs.

Eligibility criteria

Infants and toddlers under the age of 3 are eligible to receive Early ACCESS early intervention services when they meet any one of the three following criteria:

Will people be coming into our home? If so, who will they be?

Children learn best with people they know and in the places they spend most of their time. Early ACCESS professionals help families build on the things they do every day to support their child’s learning and development in order.

Does this work? I am not a trained therapist or teacher

Yes. Service providers do not expect caregivers to do what they do. They support families by coaching them to help their child grow and learn. Everyday routines and activities are teaching and learning opportunities. The more children are able to practice skills, the more they are being supported in development.

What are everyday routines and activities?

Routines are activities we do so much that we may not have to think about what we are doing to complete them. For example, changing diapers, getting a snack, getting the mail or picking up toys are all routines. Inviting children to assist with routines and activities is a way to help them learn and grow.

Age 3- 5 Early Childhood Services

If your child is between the ages of 3 to 5 years, is not yet enrolled in school, and you have concerns about his/her development, you may contact GWAEA for more information about its Early Childhood Services.

The Childcare Alliance Response Team (CART)

The Childcare Alliance Response Team (CART) is a program that will provide a rapid response of intensive behavioral support for children ages 0-5 who are not labeled as having special education needs. Children may be referred by childcare providers of families for extremely challenging behaviors in their childcare setting.

What is the parent portal for BCSD?

Campus Parent Portal is a system on the BCSD student information system that allows parents to securely access information via the internet about their student’s grades, attendance, assignments and more.

Do you need a parent portal account to register students?

Campus Parent Portal accounts are required for returning families to register their students.
