great neck north middle school parent portal

by Dr. Garry Hane III 3 min read

Where can I find more information about Great Neck public schools?

For more information, visit our Office of Registration home page , download a registration packet, or call the Registrar’s Office at (516) 441-4080. The Great Neck Public Schools produces newsletters throughout the year to inform residents about our programs and provide updates on construction projects that improve our facilities.

Is there a Parent Orientation Program at Great Neck North?

Please check it out. The Parent Orientation program provided valuable information to help parents join with us in making their child’s years at Great Neck North Middle School successful and rewarding. We look forward to working with your children.

How do I contact Julie Goldin at Great Neck School?

Please call or email Julie Goldin, with any questions: 516-441-7991 or The 2021-2022 District-Wide Safety Plan, developed by the District Safety Team, was adopted by the Board of Education on September 22.

What is North Middle’s Got Talent?

We are proud to present “North Middle’s Got Talent,” North Middle School’s 6th Annual Student Talent Show! The production will look a little different this year. All of the acts have been pre-recorded and students have shared various special talents and skills including singing, dancing and even figure skating! The Multicultural Cookbook is here!


A Night of One Act Plays Returns to NMS

North Middle School will present an evening of one-act plays and skits on Tuesday, November 23rd at 7:00 p.m., in the Daniel J. Tomaselli Auditorium.

Yearbook Order Center is Open!

Now is the time to purchase your yearbook. Early bird discounts are on! Order now before pricing goes up! 8th grade parents can also start placing ads now, too!

North Middle's Got Talent

It’s that time of year again! We are proud to present “North Middle’s Got Talent,” North Middle School’s 6th Annual Student Talent Show! The production will look a little different this year. All of the acts have been pre-recorded and students have shared various special talents and skills including singing, dancing and even figure skating!

The Multicultural Cookbook is here!

The Multicultural Club has compiled a cookbook filled with recipes from around the world from our North Middle School community. Please help support our school and charity by purchasing a cookbook today!

NMS is now on Facebook

North Middle School is on Facebook. Stay up to date with the latest news and events

Check out the NMS Parent Information Page

Everything NMS parents need to know can be found at this link - just navigate to it to learn more!

NMS PTO has a new website!

The NMS PTO has a newly redesigned website for parents! Please check it out.

How old do you have to be to enroll in Great Neck School District?

The District offers a UPK program to all Great Neck School District residents at no cost. To be enrolled, children must be 4 years old by Dec. 1, 2021. For more information, visit our Office of Registration home page , download a registration packet, or call the Registrar’s Office at (516) 441-4080.

When is North High School budget meeting 2021?

The Board of Education will hold a North High School Student Recognition followed immediately by the official budget hearing, adoption of the proposed budget, and public action meeting on Tuesday, April 13, 2021, at 7:30 p.m. Click on the announcement title for more details.

What is the phone number for Great Neck Public Schools?

Phone516-441-4700. Email The purpose of the official Web site of the Great Neck Public Schools is to disseminate information about the educational programs, services, and activities of our district, and promote the accomplishments of our schools, students, and staff to the local and global educational community.

How to contact Great Neck School?

If you are a member of the Great Neck school community and you would like to provide feedback in assisting us in maintaining Web site accessibility, please contact 516-441-4088 or and provide us with your contact information.
