greece parent portal

by Kenyon Conroy 4 min read

What is the parent portal and how does it work?

The parent portal is a service which provides parents secure access to a host of key information. This information is pulled directly from the school's central management information system (MIS). The portal is 100% web based meaning you just need a web browser to use it. It works from in school and from any […]

When will the parent/student portal re-open?

The Parent/Student Portal will be closing on July 7th as we prepare for the 2021-2022 school year The portal will re-open September 8th. If you need student reports from 2020-2021, please contact your child's school to receive a hard copy.

Will Greece Central students have school on January 28?

With COVID-19 cases on the rise, the New York State Board of Regents has cancelled January Regents exams. Therefore, all Greece Central students will have school on January 28. This previously scheduled a Regents scoring day is no longer needed so high school students no longer have the day off.


When did Greece join the Hague Convention?

General Information. Greece and the United States have been treaty partners under the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction (Hague Abduction Convention) since June 1, 1993.

Is Greece on Level 3?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC) has issued a Level 3 Travel Health Notice for Greece due to COVID-19, indicating a high level of COVID-19 in the country. Your risk of contracting COVID-19 and developing severe symptoms may be lower if you are fully vaccinated with an FDA authorized vaccine .

Does the Greek Bar Association offer mediation?

Mediation may be available for both abduction and access cases. Although the GCA does not provide mediation services directly, there are registered attorneys who act as mediators and offer mediation services in every Greek Bar Association.

Can a parent file for return to Greece?

A parent or legal guardian may file an application under the Hague Abduction Convention for return to the United States of a child abducted to , or wrongfully retained in , Greece. The U.S. Department of State can assist parents living in the United States to understand whether the Convention is an available civil remedy and can provide information on the process for submitting a Hague application.

Can a left behind parent file for a public prosecutor in Greece?

In a Hague Abduction Convention case, left-behind parents may qualify for a public prosecutor, at no charge, if the left-behind parent meets certain financial requirements . Left-behind parents who do not meet these financial requirements are responsible for retaining their own attorney in Greece at their own expense. When working with a public prosecutor, it is important to note that this individual does not represent the left-behind parent or legal guardian who submitted the Hague Abduction Convention application; instead, the legal representative represents Greece and submits the request for return on behalf of the Greek Minister of Justice. A privately hired attorney should contact the GCA as soon as possible after the Hague Abduction Convention application has been filed with the Greek Central Authority.

Apply for Pre-Kindergarten in 2022-23

Parents of children who will be 4-years-old on or before Dec. 1, 2022 can apply for Greece Central’s pre-kindergarten program. Offered free of charge, half-day a.m. and p.m. pre-kindergarten sessions as well as full-day universal pre-kindergarten sessions are held five days a week in accordance with the school calendar.

Register Now for 2022-23 Kindergarten

Parents of children who will be five years old on or before December 1, 2022 can register now to begin kindergarten in the fall by using the district’s online registration process. Click “read more” for a link to the registration page.

Get to Know More About Kelly Sperduto

In an effort to celebrate the incredible staff we have in our district, we wanted to highlight some of the phenomenal people who are making a difference in our schools and communities. Our latest installment features Kelly Sperduto, the District's Community Schools and Family Engagement Coordinator.

Weekly COVID-19 Case Updates

Please click “read more” for information on positive cases of COVID-19 identified in Greece schools this week.
